"No, Tzu-ah, we are the only ones coming along." Sana-noona said, the 2 of them staring at each other and i could see Sana-noona's cheeks becoming red as she continues staring at Tzuyu's eyes. Tzuyu just nodded with a smile, showing his dimples and Sana-noona just gummy smiled at him with her cheeks getting red. Well, i guess our Tzuyu is too handsome for Sana-noona to handle.


Tzuyu's POV

The girls are here, at our dorm, for a sleepover since it's Saturday and there's no school tomorrow. We, being the guys here, decided to let the girls sleep in our room and we sleep in the living room. At first, the girls were insisting that they sleep in the living room but afterwards, got enough and gave in to us after Chae did aegyo to them which the girls found him cute.

We are now playing truth or dare in a circle, sitting on the floor of the living room. We sits like this (from left to right): Me, Dahyung, Momo-noona, Nayeon-noona, Jeong-hyung, Jihyo-noona, Sana-noona, Mina-noona, Chae, Yujin, Me

1st round: landed on Nayeon-noona, Jeong-hyung asked her the question and she answered "Dare" with smile. Jihyo-noona dared Nayeon-noona to kiss her crush on the lips and she really did the dare! She kissed Jeong-hyung which is not shocking to me, the others too were not shocked as the 2 already looked like a couple and they just grinned from ear-to-ear while i still remained cold. 

2nd round: landed on Mina-noona, Jihyo-noona asked her the question and she answered "Truth". It doesn't take a long time to come up with a common question in mind for her but looks like Momo-noona came up with a different question which made us taken aback. She asked, "If your crush was here, would you rather sleep with him or sleep with us, your friends?" and as expected, Mina-noona took time to think about the question but got interrupt by Dahyung's low voice, "Of course sleep with him. He's more important than us now, anyways.". The girls then stared at Dahyung blankly with eyes wide open while us, guys, just remained the same. 

"Don't need to act shock, Mina-noona. Isn't it the truth anyways?" Chae-hyung said, glaring at Mina-noona but his eyes softened when he looked at me. 

"Really? You will choose to sleep with your crush, Mina-ah?" Nayeon-noona looked at her and said with her eyes wide open. 

I felt a tap on my shoulder and i knew it's Yujin who tapped me since he's sitting beside me. I looked at him, he leaned to my ear and whispered, "Are you going to be angry if it's really true?". He then leaned back to look at me and i shrugged my shoulders, telling him i don't know whether i'm going to be angry or not. We then looked at Mina-noona who just keep her mouth shut, not wanting to answer the question anymore and i just cut in. 

"Well, i guess it's true by keeping silent." I said coldly. 

"If it's true then who is your crush, Mina-ah?" Momo-noona asked.

"Could it be that guy who Tzuyu fought with back at our dorm?" -Jihyo-noona

"Of course it's him. Can't you feel the untreated kindness that she have towards me?" -Me

"Yeah, we have been friends for years but Mina-noona, you and him have been friends for a few months only." -Chae-hyung

"Yeah, and here, i expected that you would stand up for Tzuyu, who you known for years but in the end, you stand up for him who you only known for months." -Jeong-hyung

"I'm glad that Tzuyu is no longer friends with you anymore, Mina-noona because we didn't expect you to stand up for him instead of our Tzuyu." -Dahyung

"I hate to say this, Mina, but i agree with what the guys said. It's makes more sense to stand up for someone you known for years instead of standing up for someone you known for only a few months. I mean do you even know that guy so well like how well you and us know Tzuyu?" -Jihyo-noona

"Exactly. If you want that guy, then so be it. You only gaining him and his friends and losing us, the guys here, as your friends at the same time." Jeong-hyung

"So Mina, who are you gonna choose? The guy you known for a few months only or us, who have been your friends for years?" -Jihyo-noona

"Whatever your choice is, you will gaining and losing friendships at the same time anyways like how you lose your friendship with Tzuyu." -Jeong-hyung

"Please tell us that we are still more important than him...Mina-ah..." -Jihyo-noona

"Don't even lie to us. Just be honest with us." -Jeong-hyung


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