Chapter : 18

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Adam's p.o.v.

I was working on new project which will help us to stretch our business to South Asian Countries when i got a call from my best friend Tushar Oberoi. Ok, here's the tea about him, He is the C.E.O. of his company, handsome and ruthless billionaire, but lack his intelligence when it comes to his family. His parents are the most greedy people i have ever met in my life. They disinherited their own daughter because she fall pregnant and destroyed their plan to marry her to Mr Jha who is twice her age and was divorced from his wife on the basis of domestic violence. He knew about every wrong deeds his parents ever did, but always simply dismissed the matter saying Parents are other form of god and you know what? He left the girl he loved for the girl his parents chooses for him a.k.a. Ariel Anderson. I tried my best to tell him to not repeat the same mistake i did but to no avail. ah.. about the girl i liked, well I met her in the victory celebration held for Tushar's sis. Ok , I am going to be honest with you, i kinda slept with her and treated her very badly next day but little did i know that when she left, she took my heart with her too. Her innocence , her beauty, her smile , her screams ..

I came out of my dreams when my phone started to ring again. Oh shit i forget to receive Tushar's call.

" Hello bro! Wattsup" i asked him casually.

" Where are you? I need your help. Actually i just received an e-mail from security, that someone entered V's house. I don't know who entered as that can only be told to V but still i am going to check, i just parked outside your Office , come outside fast." Tushar said and hang up,NO hello or hi. So I need to go now to check the security with him now. Time for some action now.

I entered his car and we both reached the building. The neighbourhood was very posh and screams money same as like mine.

when we entered the building we passed the security and entered the lift . When we reached the door , i have this gut feeling that something is going to happen .

After waiting for sometime , door was opened by Tushar's younger brother Ryan and his other brother was doing some file work on the coffee table. I guess they were missing their sister and wanted to relive the moments in her apartment. Thank god it was nothing serious.

Suddenly some one entered the room when Tushar was talking with his brothers and she knocked the wind out of me. Tushar addressed her as Vibhuti in shock.
Her Hazel eyes just captured me . Those same eyes whose blurry memories are instilled in me after that night. All along the women from that night and the lovely girl from my childhood dreams are same and She is still flawless and god her beauty and innocence just enhanced with time but something is new about her. She oozes confidence and power which  is a huge turn on.

Tushar and she started talking with each other. I zoned out of whole conversation after i get to know that she is his sister.

Suddenly a boy ran out of other room. He was crying that made my heart to break . He looks quite familiar , i don't know where i saw him but what caught my attention was that he called her mom. Oh and by the way she is the same girl i was talking about in beginning.

she is the mother of two kids. the boy whose name i got to know is Raghav was crying because his sister, Riya , was suffering from fever.

Suddenly light bulb switched in my brain. They both looked like me when i was of their age. They looked to be around five year of age and by calculating the time when we, I mean my Vibhuti and i, both become one it match perfectly with their age.

Oh God they are my kids. I am a father . I am the most happiest person this time on Earth. Tears started flowing down my face but i quickly cleaned them without any one noticing.

I was angry that Vibhuti didn't told me about them. I missed five years of their life. oh god i need to talk with her. I want to live with her and with our children like a happy family.

So I asked her to talk with me which was protested hugely by younger brother's of Tushar, that means  they both knew about me being the children's father. God I am such a bad father who didn't know about his children.

After Vibhuti agreed to talk with me, we went to a master bedroom which i guess is her room. I asked about my chidren . I admit I was not polite but How could you expect me to be one in first place? I missed my children's every first.

She was equally angry and asked me What's her fault when I was the one who treated her like a slut in the first place . After her words registered in my brain , i knew i was the one in fault here not her. So i apologised to her and kinda confessed my love towards her. But she was adamant on her words and told me that we can arrange a schedule to meet with the children after we tell them about me but refused to be involved in my life other than that as a Co-parent, about which I am very upset but one step at one time. First of all children and after them her.

I need to impress her so my dream to have happy family with her can be fulfilled.

If she is stubborn , I am more stubborn than her.

Hello lovelies here is the new chapter. Hope you will enjoy it. Please vote and comment

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