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Vibhuti's p.o.v.

" Sis,  if you think we didn't help you , it's totally wrong. Dad had arranged your marriage with Ibrahim Jha, yeah the same 40 years creepy man who was accused by his last spouse for beating her. We found about it a day before your victory celebration . Trust me when I say all of us tried our best to convince, Mom and Dad but of no use. That's why when I found about your pregnancy, it was my idea to not go against our parents because I knew that you are far more happy with gran than here with those two vampires.  I had accidentally heard Father's conversation with  some one and he was talking about your abortion. So we all thought it will be best if we  stay away from you and our nephew or neice's life . Umm we were hoping for only one you know. " Ryan told me with tears falling down his cheeks. I feel horrible right now. I was such a bad sister who accused my own brothers.

" I am so sorry Ry , I was so broken that it became difficulty for me to even find reasons why you did it ." I said with tears in my eyes. I am now on full sobbing mode.

" Mumma please don't cry. This uncle is bad , he made you cry." Said Raghav while cleaning my tears with his small hands. Just then Riya followed him and also started wiping my tears. I hold their small hands and placed lot of kisses on them.

" No my kiddies , it's not your uncle. I am crying because I am happy now. Here meet your uncle Ryan. Greet him come on." I told them with my motherly voice.

" Hi , I am Raghav . I am about to be five years old. So you are invited in the party."Raghav introduced himself confidently just like his father. Ugh why I always compare Raghav with him

" Hello, my name is Riya. I love dogs and I love swimming too ." She said shyly.

"  My neice and nephew are so cute." Ryan said while picking both of them in his arms. They both were yawning so we tucked them in the bed after Ryan read them a bed time story.

" Sis, I want to ask you something but please don't get angry . Ok, Who is the father of them?" Ryan asked making me chock on my own saliva. After controlling the fit of cough, I decided to tell him .

" Ryan umm it's .. your..boss ..Adam." I told him while fidgeting with my fingers.

" What? Adam , how, when , where?" Ryan asked me with shock and bewildered tone.

" Umm I guess you know about How part. About when , it's during my  victory celebration . We met and He asked me for drinks and as it was my first time I wasted Very easily , I guess even he was wasted and one thing led to another and next day I woke up in his bed after losing my virginity. I was foolish to think that he was going to love me but no after he woke up, he threw 5000 dollar even without looking at me and told me to get out. So I left him obviously but without taking his money. When I found I was pregnant , I decided it is best if I leave this place and you know the rest." I said while looking out of my living room window. When I turned around I saw Ryan clenching and Unclenching his jaw while his hands were in a fist and his knuckles were becoming white. When I saw his eyes they were red with anger, hurt , regret and I guess care.

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