"Stop fighting you two!" Adelheid scolded us, stepping in between us to cease the fight. Throwing one last glare at the future Simon guardian, I walked over to Enma, pouting the whole time. Enma looked at me and patted my head. 

"Chi-chan...Calm down. You promise not to fight anymore, right?" Enma coaxed me, ruffling my white blonde strands. 

"I know but no promises on that, En-chan," I cheekily grinned at him, enjoying his gentle rubs. Enma rolled his eyes at that and shook his head. I giggled at his annoyed look. Lately, I have been involved in some incidents. It was those group of boys who picked on Enma coming to him and made his life miserable. I become the protector and swept their asses to the dirt. It was a common routine for the teachers to call us up. The school notified my parents about my behavior. Fortunately, Father knew something was up and ignored the teachers. He patted my head, saying how proud he was of me.

"Hello there, Chi-chan, Enma," a shadow loomed over us, blocking our light. I looked up and smiled at the eldest of the Simon Famiglia. 

"Konichiwa Kao-chan!" I greeted him. A soft smile stretched across his face as he patted my head. His tall statue hovered over us like a giant. He was seven years old but his tall statue made him looked like a middle schooler. People mistook him and in his elementary school, kids were terrified of him, thinking he was some sort of gangster. They did not know his real self and quickly judged from the outside. Kaoru was just a shy and quiet person. A friendly approach could put him at ease. He was an older brother to me.

My hand was grabbed and pulled me into a warm board. Red eyes winked at me as Julie Kato gave a flirtatious smile. 

"Greetings, my flower~" he purred. I laughed nervously and tried to inch away from him. Adelheid came up and smacked his head before pulling me behind her.

"Ow~~! I just grabbed her hand only. Why must you hit me~?" he clutched his throbbing head as a red bump protruded. 

"You were harassing her and she is only three! Leave her alone, you pervert!" Adelheid placed her hands on her waist as she frowned at him.

"You are so cruel or are you jealous~" Julie provoked Adelheid as a tick mark formed her forehead. Her ears red from embarrassment or anger? Clearly she might have feelings for him now. Aw~ young love~

"What will we be playing now?" a tall, round boy with a slightly bulbous nose and thick lips asked.  

"I am bored with playing tags, plus hide and seek! I wanted to do something more fun!"Julie voiced out.

"You will probably be flirting with girls and wasting your time!" Koyo yelled at him, annoyed by his carefree self.

"Better than lazing around doing nothing~" 

Irked by his remark, he started to argue with him; Julie brushing off each of his words, not listening to him. Adelheid caught into it as she tried to cut them off. Despite the incoherent words thrown, the family bond never waver. Being in this family, a sense of belonging buried in my heart. I found myself content in their presences as I spent time with them. I hope this can last forever. Sooner in the future, the angst will start. I wonder what was that man up to now.

| ... |

"What did he say?" 

In an office, the twin brother of Hiragii Yuto stood straight in front of a desk. His dark eyes stared at the person seated behind. 

"He said he will continue to stay in Japan with his family," he said solemnly.

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