Chapter 11- The Hospital

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***(This is a bonus chapter)***

"SOMEONE HELP ME CARRY HER!" yelled MaryAnn. "AND SOMEONE ELSE FIND THE BITCH WHO DID THIS!" Two males showed up to carry their now dieing Alpha into the house. While other pack members shifted to hunt down the girl.

"Where is the doctor? Where the FUCK is everyone! Ahhh!" MaryAnn felt as panic started to rise. First their Alpha and now this. There was no way should could take leadership. She wasn't cut out for shit like that. Her breaths came short and frequent. The doctor needed to get here. Lanah's blood was soaking the table as the doctor ran in.

"I need you to hold the IV bag." The doctor pointed to one of the men in the kitchen. "MaryAnn, run to the first aid room grab the gurney and extra guase." She just looked blankly at the doctor. "NOW!" It jolted MaryAnn to head off.


The blackness sank in all around. Life would move on. She didn't need or want to be back there anyways. Everything was ripped from her nothing was left. Why continue in the life of the living when nothing she had wanted to live for was there?

As she started to accept her fate her wolf appeared. "We don't give up. We are fighters, look how far we made it. Your just going to let us die because the world reared its ugly face. Wake up Lanah you know damn well this world isn't fucking pretty all the time. So wake the fuck up."

I was in shock to say the least. Lilly was never like this. She talked with so much tenacity and repulsion. Why is she acting like this?

"WAKE UP!" I felt the push this time. She was forcing me to live. Forcing me wake up.

I tried opening my eyes. Thankfully the lights weren't on. The smell from the hospital never reached my nose due to the oxygen tube. I had to get out of here. I don't want this pack. I don't want this life. What's the damn point? I no longer have a mate, and I . . . I couldn't think about that. Mate's are just as much of curse as having to share your body and mind with another.

Door open slowly as a nurse walked in. "Good evening Lanah. Time for your meal and vitals check." She hadn't noticed I was awake yet. Maybe if just closed my eyes she would think I was still out. So that's what I did. Her voice was surprisingly soothing.

"Today date is August 20th 2019. I know some say you can hear me, others say my talks with you are pointless. Lucky for you I believe you can. Ok so let's see it's been almost a year of you being in a coma. MaryAnn is not handling being charge very well. Henry's taken to it like a second skin. Everyone from the fight has healed up. The girl that shot you was executed two weeks ago, thank you high council. Some bad news baby didn't make it. We fought hard to try to keep the little alive but it was just to small."

I felt the tears slide down my cheeks as she confirmed the baby didn't make it. "This is why I know you can hear me. Every time I get to that part you cry. Someone who didn't wouldn't do that every time." I couldn't take this I had to get up now. I took the opportunity as she wiped away my tears to open them.

"MOTHER FUCKER!" she yelled. "Oh my god your awake. You scared me. Let me remove the tube that down your throat before you try to speak. You're going to feel the urge to vomit it's normal. Don't fight against it." She slowly removed the tube and brought me a bit of water.

"I'll be right back. Please Lanah don't try and get out bed. We have had you on a feeding tube but I guarantee you still have yet to have enough calories." She rushed out the door.

I know I just woke up from a year long sleep, yet I still felt drained. My arm felt heavy as I tried moving it. I also tried moving my legs when a machine clicked on compressing them. It felt like a blood pressure cuff just on my legs. I let my head fall back  against the pillow. The was going to be a long road back to normal.

Three months later

It took three months to rebuild my body strength. Three months to get fitter then I was before I even came into this pack. Henry's tried to give over rank to me when I woke up. I denied him. He had done it for a year it was his pack now, no matter how much MaryAnn complained about it.

Plus side to all of this was I had extra time to read up on our lycanthrope history. Seems like all the stories are the same moon Goddess made the decision upon creating mates when she had lost her and no one else wanted her. She didn't want any of her children to feel the same she did so she created soulmates. With the illusion of free will. Meaning we could reject our mate only to lead us to another. Honestly, she had no right to make that decision for an entire race. Like Lilly said the world hurts. It's the falls the tach us to get up and become stronger. I came to the revelation that if she could create this "curse" there had to be a chance to reverse it. 

So now I am sitting in my room searching our databases for a witch that can do just that. This wasn't something that was supposed to be. Mate's. Psh. All because a mother couldn't see her kids get hurt. Guess what Moon Goddess that's fucking life. Shit happens then you grow up and get the fuck over it. Not pushed on to the next person. Not stuck in some fairy tail bull shit. Sad part is not everyone gets a mate like mine.

Many women have been forced to love their abusers. For what?  A mother's own satisfaction. I had to get out of here and run. I no longer could go days before a shift. It had come to a minimum of eight hours. Most of my nights I gave over to my wolf. I let her have complete control honestly it was nice not have to worry about everything every minute of the day.

Next morning I went into the doctors. Thankfully this was going to be the last time I had to see Dr. Ryan. While she was nice and all I was ready to leave here and go looking for the witch. As I walked into the office I waved at the front desk clerk making a beeline for one of the open rooms. "I'll let her know your here Lanah." Said the nurse as I walked passed. I was glad everyone had stopped calling me Alpha. That wasn't my title anymore it belonged to Henry.

Ten minutes later Dr. Ryan entered the room. " Well. I am happy to say that you are officially done with physical therapy. You are now good to go." She smiled at me as we shook hands. I never told her about how I seemed to despise staying human. It would have taken longer to get the fuck out of here if I had. "Thank you Dr.Ryan hopefully I will never have to see this office again." 

I left the room waved by to the nurses at their station. Now I could go on my witch Hunt. I could free everyone from this pathetic curse. We would all finally have our free will back. The entirety of it.


What did Lanah grow some balls while she was in a coma?

What do you think of the twist?

Should she mess with the Goddess plan?

Hope you all enjoy this new chapter. If you did let me know what you think

As always thank you for time ✌️😊

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