Chapter 6 - Sam

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After finishing his soup, Sam took Dr. Waaban's advice and went back to the dormitory and showered up. When he returned to his room, he found Cameron there, looking at the picture of him and Andrew on the dresser.

Cameron gave him a small smile. "Hey, I just got here. Hope you don't mind that I invited myself in since I don't live here anymore. Thought maybe you were in the shower since I didn't find you in the infirmary. You're looking better. Is he awake?"

Sam didn't miss the nervousness that shaded the edges of Cameron's words and the slight slouch of his shoulders. An unfamiliar odor for Cameron wafted off him that Sam tried to decipher as feelings of guilt.

Giving Cameron a small smile, he slapped his arm lightly. "Hey, cut it out. I forgive you, okay? Your nose is looking better. Sorry for punching you. And yeah, he's awake. Grumpy and miserable as can be, but he's awake."

Cameron brushed his fingers over the bridge of his nose and smirked. "Yeah. Still can't believe you did that, but it's cool. What's up with your mate? The nurse huffed when I asked about going into the back room and see you and she told me to look for you here instead."

Turning, he closed his door and hung his damp towel on one of the back hooks. An image of Mik strapped to the bed, snarling, and throwing harsh words in his face flashed in his mind.

'You are worthless! Get out of my sight!'

'Go away. You make me sick.'

His stomach twisted into knots as he wrapped his arms around himself. "He hates me."

"I'm sorry. I know that doesn't help, but I knew something was up when he wouldn't stop for you. Was he expecting his mate to be female?"

"I think so." I disgust him. Just like I disgust my father.

"Want me to teach him a lesson?"

Scowling, Sam turned to his best friend and crossed his arms. "And do what? Punch him a few times? How am I going to win him over if someone threatens to beat him up?" He shook his head. "I think Alpha might be right. It will take time but I think the only way to convince him to give me a chance is to be patient, loving, and kind. Alpha seems to know more about him than I do, so maybe he's right."

Brows knotting, a contemplative frown held Cameron's face as his honey-brown eyes looked into his. Reaching out, he put his hand on Sam's shoulder. "Have I told you recently how fucking brave you are?"

Heat snaked up Sam's neck and he lowered his gaze. He raked his teeth over his bottom lip as it curved into a smile. "It's been a while."

"You're so brave. Everyday. You can do this. I know you can. I've seen you get through horrible shit before. I know it's going to be rough in the beginning, but I know you. I know you will find a way to get through to him and make things work. And if you ever need anything, don't be afraid to come to me, okay?"

Despite the heat radiating from his neck and face, he lifted his eyes to meet his best friend's. "Thanks, Cam."

"Come on, let's celebrate with some screwdrivers because you're getting screwed someday!"

Sam grimaced. "Ew, don't ever say that again. And what the hell? You promised Olivia you wouldn't drink again."

"Virgin screwdrivers," Cameron smirked.

Sam wrinkled his nose. "Isn't that just orange juice?"

Grabbing his hand, Cameron tugged him toward the door. "Come on! This one's on me!"

The Defiant Claim (The Claim: Book 2) LGBTWhere stories live. Discover now