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1 week later
Jimins POV

It has been a week after the little date Jungkook has planned for both of us. I had gotten dressed in some nice clothes and was now going out of my apartment with Junhyun as I was taking him to his daycare on my way to where Jungkook was meeting me up.

 I had gotten dressed in some nice clothes and was now going out of my apartment with Junhyun as I was taking him to his daycare on my way to where Jungkook was meeting me up

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(What Jimin is wearing)

Me and Junhyun got in our car and drove off to his daycare. While we were driving Junhyun asked me a question. "Eomma today you are dressed more pretty and not like usual so where are you going dressed like that?", he complimented me which made me smile.

"Aww thanks and Eomma has a little... date with someone ", I replied to him. "Wow Eomma. Can I meet him too?",Junhyun asked me. "Well maybe later okay", I told him and he nodded so we just continued our way to the daycare.


I dropped junhyun off and kissed his cheek. "Bye Eomma", he waved at me and I did the same as I drove off when Junhyun entered his daycare.

I put the address that Jungkook had sent me on the GPS and followed where it was telling me. When I was getting close to the location I saw that it was a restaurant.

I don't know but it looks very expensive and elegant.

Hobis Restaurant

I read the name and it said Hobis Restaurant so I'm assuming that is what it's called. I parked my car and took off my seatbelt while exiting the car. I put my car keys in my Jean pockets and entered the Restaurant.

To my imagination it was really fancy and looked extremely expensive. "Hello May I help you, do you have any reservations for today?", the guy at the reception asked me.

"Oh yeah, I'm looking for someone who I'm meeting up. His name is Jungkook, Mr.Jeon. My name is Park Jimin by the way", I said to him nervously. "Oh Mr.Park well this way please", he said to me and led me to a table.

I then saw Jungkook and he was sitting down and looking at me as I finally sat down in the table across from him which now I was facing him. The waiter placed my menu in the table, "oh thank you", I thanked him and he bowed while leaving.

"Well Jimin What would you like to drink", Jungkook asked me and I looked up at him. "Umm water would be fine", I told him and he nodded. "Well then what would you like to eat?", he asked me. "Umm well let me see", I said to him and looked at the menu.

The options were really expensive and I don't think I could afford any of this just for me, like this is what me and Junhyun spend for food each week since I mostly cook and buy food.

"Umm is there anything that is less than 20$?", I asked him since the prices were really high and I didn't want to eat anything too pricey. "It's ok Jimin, the meal is on me", he said which now I think I shouldn't even order a thing.

"But-", I tried to say but Jungkook caught me off. "It's okay Jimin, now just pick something and I know the person who owns this restaurant so he'll just give me a discount ok so don't worry",he reassured me so I just gave in and ordered a steak when the waiter came in. We finished ordering and the waiter brought us our drinks after that.

We were in silence for some time until Jungkook spoke. "Well Jimin I was thinking that maybe you would like to take a walk with me to the park After this?", Jungkook said which he mostly asked if I wanted to go to be exact. "Oh that sounds fun, sure", I told him and then our food came.

Me and Jungkook then began to eat. I eating my steak and he eating his salad. We ate for about 30 minutes and then Jungkook paid for the bill. We exited the restaurant and walked towards our car that were side-by-side in the parking space.

"Well just follow me and we'll arrive at the Park Mr.Park", he chuckled which made me just sigh and just got in my car as he did the same with his. I just followed him the way there until when we arrived.

Park (Jimin..lol sorry)

We parked our cars side-by-side again and got out off our cars. I walked beside him as we were walking. It was getting dark since the sun was setting so I was glad that Namjoon will be picking Junhyun up from the daycare since i think I would be arriving late.

We were pretty much walking in silence until we reached a place where the view was beautiful of the city since we were at an edge from the park.

We were pretty much walking in silence until we reached a place where the view was beautiful of the city since we were at an edge from the park

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I was so caught up in the scenery that I didn't hear Jungkook talk. "Jimin. Jimin...hellooo?", he said which I then turned around to face him. "Umm yeah. Oh sorry I was so caught up in my thoughts that I didn't hear you".

"Oh it's ok", he said so I just waited for him to continue to say what he was telling me. "Well umm I just want to tell you that I've really liked you since I met you and I've been really wanting to be with you and have no other omega but you", omg did he remember me?

"And I just want to say since I only love you that will you-", he said while kneeling down and taking a small box out from his pocket that he had on his sweater. "Marry me?", was the thing that he said.

I don't know what to say right now in this situation. Will I have to tell him about him or does he remember me from back then?

"Umm sorry but I-I have to do something right now", I said while running away like before and getting in my car to drive to Junhyuns daycare. I drove off and can't believe what I just did.

I'm sorry Jungkook.


I parked my car Infront of the daycare while getting out off my car. I then saw Namjoon with Junhyun and was so happy to see my son. "Eomma!", Junhyun squealed while hugging me when he saw me. "Let's go home okay, and thanks Namjoon hyung for picking him up", I said as I looked up at Namjoon.

"Its no problem and I hope you don't mind if I go to your apartment to get something that I forgot", Namjoon said. "Not a problem", I told him so he walked up to his car and I did with mine to go to my apartment.

Couple of minutes ago
Jungkooks POV

I had just been rejected. Jimin ran away and I was left there. I then realized that he was completely gone from sight so I got up and ran towards my car to follow him and maybe get an explanation.

I got in and drove off and followed his car that was about to leave into the street.

Daycare (again)

I parked somewhat away from where Jimin was parked and got out off the car until I saw a little boy who called Jimin 'Eomma', so now I had many questions because I didn't know he had a son.

I then looked at someone else and it was Namjoon and let me tell you they looked like a family together. Jimin was smiling and Namjoon laughed. The only thing was that I didn't get to see the little boys face so I don't know what he looks like.

Namjoon and Jimin then left with their car. 


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