1. Mark

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Jimins POV

Right now I am working at my job almost finished for the day to be able to go home and rest fort the day. I am now working as a full time employee in a famous marriage business were we get people to marry someone of their liking that we choose for them and assist on their marriage. I am 22 years old.

I was finally done with an employee that had gotten married two days ago and right now I'm pretty tired and relieved as I was finally finished on my task with the customer.

"Oh you look really tired Jimin", my boss said which I looked up at him. "Yeah", i said tiredly. "Well I'm sorry to say this but you got a new meeting with some famous young CEO who is trying to get married", he said and now I was really tired and did not want to do anything right now. Because now I have another customer which means more exhaustion.

I don't want to do it but since I'm great at getting people married since I started 3 months ago my boss looks up to me. "Well Jimin he will be coming tomorrow so please make him feel welcomed and try your best because what I've known he hasn't been able to find the right person to marry for some years now so he came to us", my boss said.

"Oh ok", I replied to him and he just nodded and walked away. I grabbed my things so I could finish for the day. "Good luck Jimin", someone said next as I was now making my way to the exit of the building.

I looked at who it was and it Hoseok who is in charge of the counter to check in people for their appointments or to make one. He is a good friend of mine since I started working and he's an omega. He has a mate who is an alpha and his name is Yoongi which has a very different personality than Hoseok but acts different with him."Thank you Hobi", I said to him and finally walked out of the building to the daycare.


When I finally arrived I opened the door
And saw as my junhyun was playing with some blocks. I went up to him and I guess he noticed me as he looked at my direction. "Eomma!", he said cheerfully as he ran up to be and hugged me. I then kneeled down to his height and hugged him back.

Junhyun is an alpha and is very close to me. He is only 4 years old and is almost starting school in some couple of months from now.

"Eomma Why do you look tired?", Junhyun asked me as he caressed my cheek. "Oh it's ok but since I saw my cute junnie I don't feel tired anymore", I said to him as I ticked him and he giggled.

"Has my junnie been good today!", I asked him as I finished tickling him and ruffling his hair and he just nodded. "Well that's good", I said and stood up to look at one of the daycare employees. "Thanks you for looking out for Junhyun as I worked", I told the lady and she just nodded.

I looked back at Junhyun and grabbed his hand. "Let's go Junnie", I said and he followed me out to the door so we could go home. We got out of the daycare and made our way to our apartment.


As we finally arrived in front of my apartment door I grabbed my keys from my pocket and opened unlocked the door. Me and Junhyun got in and he settled hi little backpack in his room.

"Junhyun go to the restroom and go take a shower as Eomma makes us dinner to eat for the day", I told him and he nodded as he made his way to the restroom. I then went to the kitchen and made some food to eat.

"Eomma can you please turn on the water!", I heard Junhyun say as he came out of the restroom and I put the spoon to the side and took off my neck tie and made my way to the restroom to turn on the water. "Ok Coming", I said back to him and made my way to the restroom.

I mostly have worn a big neck tie to cover the mark I have had ever since I've had Junhyun. The mark that always reminded me of him. The person I felt connection with when I first saw him. The person that marked me and made me his mate.

The mark I'll always remember and have since that day...

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