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Jimins POV

A week had passed and now it was the weekend so I was now going to meet him again. Today I had arranged him a woman he could marry.

I had already dropped Junhyun to his daycare and now I'm headed to my job for the meeting.


Jungkook and me were now sitting down and a 'girl' was sitting in front of us. She was someone I had chosen for Jungkook to marry since she was Jungkooks type that he had described.

"Umm Jimin why did you bring a middle schooler here. I can't marry her and isn't this illegal to do?", he questioned as he thought that she was young because her face. But she was actually a woman and in her late 20's.

"Sorry but I'm actually 26 and I understand the confusion since everyone thinks the same", she said nervously. "Oh I'm sorry. It's just that you look very young", Jungkook said.

"Well then Jungkook what do you think?", I asked him. "Well I'm sorry but I can't marry her. People might think I'm marrying someone really young and committing a crime", he said.

"Oh it's ok but I also don't want to get married",She said and I was now very confused to why she was now not wanting to get married.

"But why?", I asked her now curious to why she made that choice out of a sudden. "Oh it's well because... I like someone else... be actually helped me a week ago and I started to have feelings for him... h-he is actually a police officer", she said nervously while looking at her hands shyly.

"Oh it's ok and if you want we can help you", Jungkook said. "Yeah we could if you would want to", i told her and she now looked happy out of a sudden as her mood changed.

"Really? Oh why thank you!", she beamed as we nodded to agree. "Well then let's go meet this police officer and get you two together", Jungkook said.

She nodded and so we all got out off the couch we were sitting and made our way out of the door and now driving off to where the officer was.

Police Station

We are now in front of the police station and got out of the car to meet this so called officer.
We walked inside and the woman was looking around to maybe try and find him.

"There he is", she said and pointed at someone who was walking towards us. "Umm can i help you guys?", the officer said. "Umm hi, do you remember me? My name is Rose... we met last week... when someone stole my purse", she said nervously.

"Oh! Yeah I do", he said and the faced me and Jungkook. "Umm but who are you guys?", he asked us. "Oh I'm Jimin, Park Jimin and this is Jungkook, Jeon Jungkook", is a said as I bowed and so did Jungkook.

"Oh well it's nice to meet you two. My name is Eunwoo, Cha Eunwoo", he introduced himself.

"Well then what brings you three here?", he asked and now was time for me. "Oh we came here because... Rose here is proposing a date with you", I said and touched both of Rose's shoulders behind her like telling him that she was Rose.

"Y-yeah I.. i actually like you", she said shyly while looking down. "Well what do you say officer. I bet you can't deny to this cute face", I said trying to convince him.

"Umm well sure... how about tomorrow at 5pm. I'll take you to the movies", he said. Yes. "Well then I'll leave you two talking and I hope the best for you two", I said and then stopped touching her shoulders.

I then walked away and Jungkook followed me. "Wow that was easy, I don't know how you do that", Jungkook said while we got in his car to drive back to my Job.

"Yeah but now we need to find you someone else", I said as he was driving and I was sitting besides him in the passengers seat.

"Yeah but just know that I just need and Omega and it won't matter what gender they are.", he said and I was now pretty uncomfortable at the conversation.

"Oh ok, then I'll try to find you someone like that", I said. "Well were here", Jungkook said as he took off his seatbelt and got off the car. I did as well and entered the building.

"Well I'll see you next week, Jimin", he said and left as he had already grabbed his suitcase. I grabbed my things as well and made my way out of the company to Junhyuns daycare to pick him up.


I parked my car and got out of my seat and made my way to the door of the daycare. "Hey Eomma!", Junhyun beamed as he went to hug me. I hugged him back and then got up.

"Eomma today we learned how to count to 5", junghyun said which made me proud of him as he was getting really smart. "Wow really, then count to 5", I said. "Won, too, tree, for, five", he said which made me laugh at how he said the numbers.

"Aww I'm so proud of you", I said while squishing his cheeks. "Thanks Eomma", he said. "Well then let's go home for dinner and rest", I said and he nodded so then we walked out of the daycare to our car.

We drove to our apartment and went in. Junhyun did his normal night routine and I made dinner. We ate and then I tucked Junhyun in bed. I kissed his forehead and told him 'Good night', so I then closed his door and made my way to my room to sleep for the day.

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