Siege of Autumn Leaf Part I

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Kai and Jason dashed through the streets of Autumn Leaf in search of people but couldn't find anyone and it seemed like the city was deserted.

"Kai here, we found no one in the Southern part of the city, What about you all?" asked Kai.

"Arnold here, Kai, this place seems deserted. There is no one in the Eastern part of the city," reported Arnold.

"Chris here, It seems the people in the city have vanished from the face of this world," growled Chris.

"According to my knowledge, the people of this city must have had been captured and held hostage by the enemy," informed Kai.

"I think Kai is right, what do you say, Chris?" asked Arnold

"I agree too. What should we do now? asked Chris

" Let's look for them, " replied Kai.

"But, where?" questioned Arnold

"Do you all see that fortress in the Northern Part of Autumn Leaf?" asked Kai

"Yeah, I can see it," replied Chris.

"Yeah, It is situated in the banks of river Tompo," said Arnold.

"Let's move there, I am sure we will find a clue out there," suggested Kai.

"Yes, let's meet at the entrance of the fortress," said Arnold.

"Ok, let's meet there." agreed Chris.

"Then, it's decided. we all are going to the Northern part of the city."


"Yup" both of them agreed with Kai.

Kai cut the call and dashed towards the fortress. The building was a huge five storey, made with stones and other materials. It was situated on the crest of a low hill in the Northern Part of Autumn Leaf.

"What do you think, Kai?" asked Jason.

"About what?"

"About the deserted city and the undead legion, " clarified Jason.

"Umm... According to me, it is the work of some player, "

"How a player could possibly control a huge army of monsters?"

"It can be done by only three things, "

"What things?" questioned Jason.

"First, It is possible that 'God of Chaos', must have caused this. Second, the <<Burning Commander>> must have awakened and hence done this. Third, there is a spell is known as <<Spellbound Devil>> it must have been used by a player to awaken and Spellbind the <<Burning Commander>>" explained Kai.

"I see"

"But, the possibility of the first two options are very low, " said Kai.

"How come, you could possibly say that?" asked Jason.

"Well, if there has been a God near me, I would have probably sensed his Aura long ago but I felt nothing. As for the second option, Burning Commander is strong but stubborn so, he wouldn't have captured the people but, killed them. So, it left us with the third option, " clarified Kai.

"Ok, I understood, "
They all reached the bottom of the hill. The sky started to get light orange. The trees and bushes were lined in a row leading to a narrow path.

"Wait! I want everyone to hide in the tall bushes" cried Kai.

Everyone stopped and hid in the bushes. They all waited for forty seconds and saw that a small brigade of monsters, <<Burning Undead>> coming down from the hill.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2019 ⏰

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