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~Rose's POV~

The next day,I was at work,even though my heartache was still severe.
I was putting out the new tarot cards, when the door chime rang. I glanced over,and Cameron had walked in.

I went behind the counter and busied myself with the computer. He walked over and gave me a bright smile. "Been a minute hasn't it?" He asked playfully. I nodded and hummed.

His smile fell,concern replacing it. "Rose? What's wrong?" He asked. "It's nothin-" I started. He put his hand on mine. "It's clearly not. Please tell me? How can I help?" He asked softly.

I sighed and walked out from behind the counter. We sat on the floor,me with my back against the counter,him in front of me,sat on the floor,legs criss crossed,so our knees touched.

"We were at some karaoke pub last night,and after one of my friends, Jesse dared me to go up,which I did... It all kind of ensued in this huge argument." "Full blown screaming and holding each other back so no one throws fists..." I explained softly.

He squeezed my hand. "That really sucks hun. I'm really sorry that happened. You didn't deserve that." He replied comfortingly.

I nodded and sighed. "If it's alright with you,can I ask what caused it?" He asked tentatively.

"They didn't know I can sing and my friend Clinton did, and my boyfriend, his little brother Mitchel didn't know.." "it was because over tour,which I helped them on.. Clinton had caught me covering your song Plastic heart.." "and I was really really embarrassed and super anxious about it back then. I asked him to keep it between us." "And I guess that made him feel like I'd betrayed him somehow? Or something like that." "But at the time I was in a really bad place with my mental health. I wasn't ready to necessarily talk about it.." "Much less just say 'Hey! My anxiety is really Kickin my ass right now! Leave me alone please and thanks!' ya know?" "And everything was going great.. I was finally doing better.. I finally felt happy.." "I don't do fights. I hate it." I explained with a heavy sigh.

Cameron hugged me. "That really really sucks Rose, I'm really sorry you had to go through that. You don't deserve that." "Your boyfriend should've respected that you weren't ready till that moment. He should've been more logical." "Cause it sounds like fights,especially yelling,is a huge trigger for you." "I know how difficult and scary,trying to calm down afterward is. You deserve him, listening to you explain calmly." He replied tentatively.

I nodded. "It really sounds like you could use some time away from everything." He said softly. I nodded again.

"If you want,I know a really good ice cream shop up town. I have a friend who works there. Would you like to go?" He asked.

I wiped away my tears with my sleeve and nodded. "I'd really enjoy that. Thank you." I replied,barely audible. He lightly smiled and got up. He offered his hands,and I took them. He pulled me up,and opened his arms for a hug.

I hugged him,and he gently held me in a way that made me feel protected.
"Thank you for letting me spill my guts to you. I really appreciate it,a whole lot." I said quietly.

"Any time. I'm so glad I can help,even if it's just listening like this." He replied. He gently squeezed me,then we walked out.

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