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~Rose's POV~

"Hey Rose,I got a fascinating question." Jesse said. I looked away from the tv,and looked at him. "Shoot." I replied.

"Can you tell fortunes with regular playing cards?" He asked.

"That is a really great question! I infact,can! Anyone can really,if they study. That's what I did." I replied.

"How does it work?" Clinton asked.
I looked at him with a raised eyebrow.

"Oh cut him some slack. Mitty finally convinced him to give it a try." Jesse said.

"Alright." I chuckled with a sigh. Christian handed me a deck. I took it out of the box. I laid out a few cards.

"Hearts,represent the rings cards. Also great for love fortunes. The Diamonds represent the swords." "The spades,represent the cups,and the clubs represent the wands." "The smaller numbers,represent minor arcana. Or for smaller energy. More basic situations." "Let's say,for example,you need to help your family set up a chores routine and schedule but your family argues a lot." "It'd help bring peace and equality to that." I explained.

"Bigger numbers,like Aces,and king and Queens,represent Major arcana. Big energy." "Let's say your parents are going through a divorce. Or You're moving." "Or You're going through a breakup,and you're not sure how this is going to affect your future." "It'd help a lot with those situations." I explained.

"Would you read mine?" Clinton asked. I smiled and nodded. "Sure." I replied.

I shuffled the deck three times. "Alright. What's one question you keep asking yourself? One you haven't really brought up to anyone?" I asked him,splitting the deck into three.

His cheeks tinted pink. He looked at his feet. He grabbed a piece of paper, wrote something,and folded it. He handed it to me.

I unfolded it and slowly read it. I gave him a reassuring smile. "There's no judgement here." I whispered him. He almost smiled. I fanned out the first deck. I let my hand float over it,as if it were scanning,and waiting for a certain card. I picked one up.

Seven of diamonds. I put it to the side, and I put the fanned cards back into a deck. I fanned the second deck. I picked another card. Nine of clubs.
I put it by the seven. I put the fanned cards into a deck. I repeated with the third deck. A nine of hearts.

I put it by the other two cards. I put the fanned cards back into a deck. I pulled the top card,from the first deck. A seven of hearts. I put it with the others. I pulled the top card from the second deck. A ten of clubs.
I pulled the top card from the third deck.

A queen of hearts. I pulled the top card from the third deck. An ace of spades. I fanned the first deck again. I pulled a king of diamonds. I fanned the second deck,and pulled out an ace of hearts. I fanned the third deck. I pulled a king of clubs. I pulled the top card from the first deck. A ten of hearts.

"Oh wow!! That's the most balanced ten card draw I've done in the longest time!!" I beamed!

"What's it mean?" Clinton asked.

"Trials and tribulation! You're working on cutting the habit. You've tripped and stumbled a few times. You carry embarrassment from that, and you're dying to tell a trusted person." "Your anxiety is holding you back,but you're bound to let it out very soon. And there will be no arguments. No judgement." "This person you tell will help you meet the significant other of your dreams!" "But where there is stubborn set passion and love,there is always some conflict of interest. This won't be bad however." "You'll help each other grow into the best versions of yourselves! Temptations will come across your path.." "but you will find it easier to dismiss them." I explained fondly.

Clinton's face lit up! He hugged me tight. I hugged him. "Thank you so so much." He said softly.

"You're welcome,any time." I replied.

I put the cards away,and we turned on a movie.

written in the starsWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt