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~Rose's POV~

The next morning,I woke up alone. I sighed and got up. I got dressed and brushed my hair. I went downstairs, and everyone was in the kitchen, except Mitchel and Christian. They were passed out on the couch,cuddled up.

I sighed and shook my head. I went in the kitchen and grabbed some breakfast. "Hey you sleep okay Rose?" Jesse asked. "Yea I'm fine." I replied casually. I poured some coffee into a tumbler as I finished my food.

"I'm off to work. Tell me to not Visit me at lunch." I said. I got my shoes on and walked out. I got in my car and drove to work.

I soon arrived and I walked in. I went behind the counter and grabbed my Tarot cards. I shuffled them a few times,till I heard the door chime. I looked up,and Cameron Cade was looking around.

He walked around,looking at the crystals,tarot cards and candles. He picked up a small heart shaped Charoite,a medium circle shaped Fluorite,and a medium moonstone tower. Then he picked up a small heart shaped Labradorite. He grabbed a medium black,velvet pouch,and walked over to the register.

He softly smiled as he pulled out his wallet. "You got an eye for Color. Usually people go for something more... Simple." I said fondly,as I swiped his card and handed it back to him.

"Oh Yea? I guess most people are usually more comfortable with things that are in the range of their comfort zone. But I'm not most people." He replied wittily.

I raised an eyebrow with intrigue. "any special occasion for these?" I asked.

"I've been low on inspiration causing a high on writer's block. Low on self esteem... I heard these do the trick." He replied,as he put the crystals in the pouch and put it in his other pocket.

I fondly smiled and nodded. "I hate writer's block. Gonna sound really odd,but it is actually the source of my occasional low self esteem." "I haaate it!" I laughed.

"Oh my God! I know right!! Like you just feel like a huge dissapointment to yourself,just sitting there on your laptop,making electronic beats and strumming your guitar." "Tapping your pen on your notebook making drum beats,and Still blank minded!! I swear it's more draining than socializing sometimes!" He replied with a chuckle.

"Right!! Oh my God! I'm not fucking crazy!" I giggled!

Cameron laughed and nodded. "I'm Cameron by the way." He replied, sticking his hand out. I shook it. "I'm Rose. And... I'm totally sorry if this makes you feel so weird,but I'm a big fan. I really love your music." I replied.

"Oh my gosh! No! That's not weird at all!! That makes my whole day! That's so cool! How long have you been listening?" He replied enthusiastically.

"Since you released the Insanity album." I replied with a sheepish chuckle.

"Oh my God! You're an OG fan!! That's fuckin wild! Holy shit! Man I cannot put into words how much I appreciate that!" He beamed! "Would you wanna get out of here and grab a coffee?" He asked.

I couldn't contain my excited smile. "Yea! sure!!" I beamed! We walked out,and headed to the nearby Starbucks.


I arrived at home and I kicked off my jacket and pressed my back against the wall. I covered my mouth with my hands in disbelief. Clinton walked over. "Hey you okay Rose? You look like you just won the lottery!" He chuckled nervously.

"Holy. Fucking. SHIT!!! That happened!! That actually happened! I met him!" I breathed in excited awe.

"Met who now?" Christian asked, walking over.

"I MET THE CAMERON CADE!!!!" I squealed enthusiastically!

Mitchel came running downstairs. "I heard screaming. What's wrong?" He asked anxiously.

"Nothing's wrong. She met some guy named Cameron Cade." Christian replied casually with a shrug.

Mitchel glared at him. He gave me the biggest smile and hugged me tight. "I'm so happy for you!! That's so amazing love!" He replied happily.

He let go of me and leaned in to kiss me. I leaned away. He looked at me quizzically.

"I'm starving. I could a hippo. What's for dinner?" I asked,walking into the kitchen. Everyone followed.

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