Chapter 16: Antecedent

Start from the beginning

Harry peered and he was pulled by the basin. He gripped Laura's hand and both of them went inside like an elasticized rubber. They reached in a grass field.

A girl who looked like Laura came crying. She sat under the tree and cried without making any sound.

"Lily Evans." Laura whispered in Harry's ear.

"Evans in the sense, Petunia Evan's sister, our mother?" Harry asked in a low voice for which Laura nodded.

They both watched Lily quietly.

A boy with black hair and innocent smiled walked towards Lily.

"Snape?!" Harry rolled his eyes.

"He is our uncle, Harry." Laura responded back in annoyance.

Lily Evans smiled at Snape and asked "Could you please teach me how to control this?"

A yellow flower bloomed in her palms.

"You don't want to control it. You should embrace it, Lily. I'll teach you that."

"Wow, Harry. One day Severus told me the same thing." Laura was shocked with realization of what Snape was thinking when he said that to Lily.

"Severus? You two became close to call with first name?" Harry annoyed her.

Laura pretended like she didn't hear Harry.

Lily Evans and Severus Snape talked until the dark.

"I'm scared of the darkness, Severus." Lily said.

Severus plucked a flower from the nearby plant and murmured something. The flower glowed like a light.

"Must be a type of Lumos spell." Harry grinned.

"You sound like Moine" Laura chuckled.

"Go home safe, Lily." Severus said and gave the glowing flower to Lily.

"Will you accompany me?" Lily asked.

They walked to Lily's farm house. Harry and Laura followed them.

"I am sure you'll get the letter from Hogwarts." Severus told Lily and hugged her before leaving.

As soon as Lily opened the door, Petunia was standing at the entrance watching Snape leaving.

"Who is he, Lily? Is he also a crazy like you?" Petunia Evans shouted at her.

"Don't involve in my life, Nia."

"I am your twin sister. I've the rights to involve."

"But you don't have any rights to talk about my friends."

"What would you do if I did?" Petunia raised her eyebrows.

Petunia moved forward raising her hand at Lily.

"Stop it, Nia. Don't hurt your sister." A beautiful lady who is too young to be a mother of 11 year old girls approached them.

"Dad, will you support me on this?" Petunia asked.

"I want to. But behaving rude to your sister is not good. You should apologize, Nia" a man with black hair said.

Petunia apologized in rude voice.

"Lil, forgive your sister." Mrs. Evans told her.

Lily rolled her eyes and smiled at her sister.

"They are like us. Always hating each other." Laura said.

"Yes, you behave like our aunt. I always forgive you like our mom did." Harry patted her head.

When everyone left for bed. Lily found the Hogwarts letter in her bed. Severus sent an owl saying he will help to buy things.

Laura dragged Harry to peer at Petunia's bedroom. They found her crying.

"Why is she always special? I thought that boy was coming around to see me. But he became friend with Lily. Even Mom and Dad loves her. She got magic. She got friends. She got all the kindness from mom and dad. What did I do? Why am I so unlucky? I hate this life. I hate Lily." Petunia cried softly.

"She hates us because she hated our mom. She was jealous of her." Harry whispered.

"It's not her fault, Harry" Laura pitied her aunt.

Next minute they saw the visual of the twins standing in the 9-3/4th platform. Petunia was looking at Severus but he was busy talking with Lily. The Evans family bid her goodbye.

Severus and Lily were sitting in a compartment when a boy with round glasses came inside. He looked exactly like Harry except the scar. The other boy followed him.

"Hi. I'm James Potter. And this is Sirius Black, my friend." he shook hands with Lily and Severus.

Another boy with long front teeth came.

"Um... I'm Peter Pettigrew. Shall I sit here? Everyone is teasing me for this." he showed his tooth.

James and Sirius laughed for this.

"It's not so fun." Lily glared and asked Peter to sit with them.

Next minute, they were standing in the Great hall observing the sorting ceremony of their ancestors.

Severus got sorted into Slytherin. Sirius got into Ravenclaw. Peter in Hufflepuff. Lily and James were sorted in Gryffindor.

Severus pleaded with the sorting hat to put him in the Gryffindor but it refused.

"This hat is a damn brainless fellow." Laura whispered.

"He have a brain but I just don't know where he has it!!" Harry laughed.

Harry and Laura were dragged into a quidditch ground. They saw James and Lily playing for Gryffindor and Severus for Slytherin. Severus was a keeper in Slytherin. He blocked all the quaffles as Lily did the same for Gryffindor.

After the game ended, Severus went to meet Lily. James blocked his way and warned him not to meet her.

"It's not your rights to say it." Severus pushed him away.

When James pulled out his wand and pointed at Severus, Lily stopped James.

"Hey. Whatever you two have trouble. Keep it aside. I don't want any chaos here." Lily stood between James and Severus.

Sirius, Peter, Lily, James and Severus became a gang. However the fight over Lily between James and Severus never stopped. The group hung out and broke all the school rules and found about the Dark Lord. They took an oath that they would stop him.

"We'll stop him from ruling the magic world and destroying the muggle world." Lily told the group who were sitting in the bench in the castle grounds.

"Whatever it takes." everyone stood and shouted.

"But it doesn't include those who don't have enough magic." James smirked at Severus.

Severus muttered "Evanesco" and waved his wand at James who moved away instantly and his spell affected the bench's legs they were sitting earlier. The legs of the bench were vanished.

"Vanishing spell?" Sirius wondered.

"Let me do an upgrade for the bench." Lily rolled up her sleeves and whispered "Etirer"

"Stretch spell!! That's awesome" Severus high-fived with Lily.

"Oh now it will expand or shrink according to the people sits in this bench. That's great." James wondered.

"And it'll stand without it's legs!!! That's wonderful." Peter said and James glared at him.


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