As I was walking, I had my music on listening to a little bit of Lady Gaga while there was no one absolutely no one around just myself the fresh air and my thoughts with the music. Well I say no one there was the odd car or two around and I saw one person across the street just what looks like going home from a good night out.

I looked up into the sky and the clouds white and blue skies as I took an earphone out the birds chirp to the world awakening.

It's around ten to five now and I was still walking along quite the thing I decided I'd look back and see if I could see anyone maybe someone had gotten up i don't know sometimes people watching is relaxing who knows why.

Anyhow, there was a man behind me in a black suit and white shirt, his tie was weird he was legit right behind me his tie had teeth on it. Now that is oddly weird right? His shoes just didn't go with the outfit he had on, he well shoes? I don't know but he had flip flops on like who why and what is going on in his mind?.

Anyway I turned back around put my earphones back in and turned to the next song some more Gaga, The Cure was playing my music was up full volume, but all of a sudden my music stopped my phone just turned off I had 67% and it just off it would not turn back on and then a loud sound from behind me could be heard I wanted to turn and see what it was but at the same time I felt a weird sensation telling me to run and not stop.

So that is what I did I ran and ran till I got to this corner I ran down the road and ended up at a dead end, I sighed and turned I quickly put my phone and earphones into my pocket as I looked around me the sky had changed colour as I looked up, from the blue sky and white clouds it had gone grey a weird grey and I suddenly felt more weird.

It was not as good I could feel my breath hitch and I could feel my lungs starting to well it felt like they were almost about to stop. My hearts were beating as fast as they could I felt the beat around my body and out of nowhere the man appears in my sight again wearing the same thing his dark hair had changed and his face had formed into something unspeakable.

I tried to say 'Who are you' but nothing came out. I tried to Call for the Doctor but again I could not speak.

I could feel my body being as I became paralized, now I was not scared just curious to what was happening okay deep down I was kinda shitting myself I was at a dead end but I could feel someone behind me and that, that scared me a little more than everything else.

Suddenly I felt my face becomes numb and I tried to turn I couldn't but then all of a sudden I could it was like whatever was behind me was making all this happen and I was right.

As I turned there was another creature/alien like creature different from the man I saw in front of me, it was tall and thin and was grey as grey as the sky and was holding what I assume is it's hand out and a weird red glowing came from it, as I turned it touched my forehead and a sudden migraine came on, I wanted to scream from the pain but it would not come out.

It just kept on trying to do whatever it was doing then I heard the man speak, 'Ajs askk irreducible ops, eerie we poin irk Doctor klk Master', this took a moment to translate 'This is not possible there is only a few who made it out, The Doctor his grandchild and The Master'.

I assume they mean the TimeWar they didn't think the Doctor or the Master could have children.

The thing that was pointing the light at me stopped and I could feel my breath again, my lungs and my hearts still beating they calmed a little. It was speaking to the man when I could hear my vocals of myself sighing, I said to my communication thingy Pa give me Call the Doctor.

And with that the creatures turned around I could hear what was said they seem to think I could not understand 'lake insh ons irk Doctor' translates to 'did she just say call the Doctor?' And the other one said 'oskie' meaning 'yes'.

Suddenly you could hear Pa "J hello? J what's up?", and with that I felt the alien things energy again and I could hear the communication device break a little but not quite unfortunately for them Pa thought of everything the interference stopped they thought it had cut off and begun to speak.

Moments passed and I could hear the Tardis appear and with that Pa stepped out, she looked at the creatures and me, I could hear what was said but at the same time my head was in so much pain I forgot what was actually being said in the right order so it all was mixed up and strange in ways.

After a good few moments I felt myself falling and I could feel the ground beneath me as I hit it hard and my vision went dark. I could still hear though.

"J it's okay", I heard "I'm going to help you get the sleep you have been drained of time energy those creatures were Sinkles they are both one I will explain more later. Anyhow, you need a good sleep so I've given you something to help you and when you wake you will remember what happened but you won't be so drained". And with that I couldn't hear no more.

I'm not sure about anyone else but currently I'm sitting at a bar drinking Hard shakes with donuts beside to eat, I could tell this was a dream it felt good and very vivid but it makes me want a real hard shake or a milkshake. For anyone who doesn't know a Hard Shake is a milkshake with alcohol. Very delicious, I was sitting with Pa and Ma having our shakes of course Dad just had a normal milkshake while me and mum had alcohol thought mum just had wine not a hard shake.

It was all good till Pa got a call about some prisoners escaping on this planet that I somehow didn't catch the name off then I was suddenly feeling a strange sting and my dream began to feel real and more like a lost memory.

And with that I suddenly woke, in my bed very much so confused, and remember the last thing Pa said to me and I started staring up at my ceiling again.

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