giggles and declarations// four

323 7 14

The song for this part is "Saturday" by Ed Sheeran ( listen to it while you read, it inspired this part)


The footsteps had been trailing me for about three blocks before I could form an idea of who it was.

Of course it's him, Arielle. Who else would want to follow someone like you?

I turned around and faced the man that had spoken to me in the cafe.

"Why are you following me?" I asked him. And it was true, he had been following me. He had shadowed me for three blocks after the cafe, and tried to discreetly follow me out of the cafe.

As if. I would have to blind, deaf, and dumb to not have seen or heard him.

"H-how did you know?" His face turned a shade of red that I hadn't even registered before.

And, although I had sworn off any form of relationship after Harry, this man was undeniably adorable. I rolled my eyes and I walked toward him. If he was going to shadow me like some kind of stalker, then I might as well get to know the lad. He obviously wasn't afraid of me and my oddness.

"I can't help but," I said, rolling my eyes. " You're kind of hard to miss...and you're quite the loud walker."

"I... um. You- you left this," and the man held up my journal.

My journal. Good Lord, how had I left that???

"I...uh, I...thank you." It was my turn to stutter.

I grabbed my journal and started walking off again. No matter what I had told myself, I couldn't stand to be around people for too long. Call me crazy, but it was more of a relexive fight or flight.

"Wait, hold on!" The man ran to catch up.

Wasn't he going to go away? Just like everyone else....

"I you want to go get some coffee? Wait, oh shit, you Do you like pasta?"


Was this guy for real? And even though my entire body was screaming no, my mouth decided to say yes.


The woman sat across from me, her green eyes stuck to her antipasto.

"So, um...What's your name?"

Why is it that I can't stop stuttering? It's not me at all.

She glanced up at me from across the candle in the center of the table. I had taken her to my uncle's resteraunt...but she didn't have to know that yet.

"I-I'm Arielle."


I smiled. "Even your name is gorgeous." Good Lord, that just came out of my mouth.

Arielle looked up. "And you? What's your name?"


Arielle smiled, and it seemed like the entire room lit up.

God, I'm so cheesy.

"It's nice to meet you, Ed Ed." She smiled very quickly before allowingher mouth to be pulled into the frown that it was in previously.

"So, um. Do you like it?," I asked, pointing to her antipasto. It did look apetizing.

"Yeah. It's great." She looked at me in the face now, her nose crinkling with the exertion. She soon tucked her head down again.

Nope, not this time.

I grabbed her chin softly from across the table so that she would look up at me.

"Hey...hey love, you don't have to be afraid of me, you know? I won't bite...unless you want me to." I winked at her, and she giggled a bit before covering her mouth with her hand.

"Don't try to stop it....I like your laugh." And it was true, I did.

I liked most things about her.

"Ed," she asked, her eyes searching mine," Why...why are you doing this for me?"

Was she serious? Had no one ever told her how incredibly gorgeous she was, or appreciated her at all?

"Because, Arielle," I said, my eyes never leaving her as I took her hand, "I want to know you...since I've already fallen in love wth you."

Give Me Love// An Ed Sheeran FanfictionDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora