curiosity// three

310 7 6


I walked out of the cozy cafe and pulled my sweater closer to me, but the cold of the environment was nothing to the chill on the inside.

What was wrong with me? God, the man speaks to me for about two minutes and I run away like a scared jackrabbit. 

Why does this always happen to me? 

                                               *FLASHBACK: FOUR MONTHS AGO*

Harry walked past me again. This was the sixth time in ten minutes. Either he was stalking me or he was just incredibly stupid. 

Probably the latter.

I looked back down to my chemistry notes: being in college was my dream, and I wasn't about to be distracted by the school playboy.

"Excuse me?" 

I looked up in annoyance only to be met by a pair of piercing green eyes that were so like his. I blinked to remember what it was that people usually did- something about talking back...? 

"Um, is anyone sitting next to you?" 


I looked around the full classroom and noticed that, the only empty seat was right next to me. Sighing, I shook my head.

"Thanks, babe," Harry said, not even trying to hide his flirtaciousness. 

Did he even know who I was? 




As class ended and I was gathering my things, I felt a hand wrap around my wrist. I stared at the offending hand before daring to look at its owner. 

Harry smiled down on me. "How about going to see a movie, sweetheart?"

I was terrified of this boy and his insanely good looks and the stories of what those looks could get him.

I ran out of the classroom, abandoning my problems like I had always done; like I always would.

Just one fuck up after another, huh,  Arielle? 


Maybe awkwardness had been ingrained into my genes, I'm not sure. But every time that I tried to be 'cool' or 'normal', I just ended up being more awkward and stupid.

Maybe it was best that I stayed away from people.


I sat in the small corner booth that still smelled like her coffee.

Why had she run away? It wasn't as if I was going to eat her or anything- I wasn't a monster.

At least, she didn't know that.

I got up and followed her out of the cafe. She obviously had nowhere to go, so why did she lie to me?

All I had wanted to do was talk to her...

Just as I was about to let the woman alone, stop following her,  she turned around.

"Why are you following me?"

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