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Usually Grian has tons to do, he rarely is bored. But this past week, he's been bored out of his mind! He simply can't find anything to do, and it's really taking a toll on him. Today, Grian decided to take a walk through the Hermit server, trying to find something to do. He walked through the shopping district, saying hi to familiar faces flying by, looking at the new shops popping up.

He was starting to get bored again, when he heard a familiar voice behind him.

"Grian!" It was Mumbo Jumbo "Oh thank god you're here" he panted as if he's been running around the whole server.

"I've been looking for you"

"Hey Mumbo! what do you need me for?" Grian laughed, finally something to do.

"Im excavating this GIANT hole and I dont want to do it alone, can you help me?"

"Sure!" Grian exclaimed "Where to then?"

"Just follow me" Mumbo said before flying away on his Elytra.

Grian wondered why Mumbo chose him to help him, especially since he could probably build a slime block machine that could do it within minutes. Maybe he was low on slime? Soon they reached a large, levelled out plain with a beacon next to it. Mumbo handed Grian a bunch of Shulker boxes and they went to town at it. Sometimes they would run into each other and laugh. Sometimes they spooked each other. Even a prank or two. It was night time when they were done.

"Hey monsters are spawning, lets just get to my base so we can organise this stuff" Mumbo suggested

"Yeah good idea, I don't wanna die tonight anyway" He laughed

They both flew to Mumbo's base, racing to see who could reach the base first. Of course as suspected, Grian won.

"Alright lets do this" Mumbo said, ushering Grian towards his storage unit.

Over the sound of a thousand chests opening, Grian decided to finally ask Mumbo about why he chose him over  a faster more effective machine.

"Well Grian" He scratched the back of his neck "I noticed you've been in a bit of a slump lately, so I figured whats better than digging out a big whole with your best friend eh?"

"Awwww I'm youwe best fwiend?~" Grian poked at Mumbo's cheek. Who sported a new shade of pink on his cheeks now.

"I hate you" Mumbo pouted

"I love you too" Grian winked turning back to the chest

Mumbo stared at Grian dumbfounded. His cheeks now a bright red.

"You do?"

Grian stopped in his tracks, only now understand what he had just said.

"Uh- I mean"---"No no! No take backs!!" Mumbo laughed 

Grian turned to face Mumbo who was smiling. He quickly ran up to Mumbo, giving him a peck on his lips, then he flew back to his base in a second.

Mumbo just stood there, smiling widely like and idiot.

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