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Funny how only this summer I found out the YouTubers/influencers I've been following since I was twelve are all either married or in a steady relationship.

Then watching their videos and getting to know more about their life styles have changed my concept/bias about marriage completely.

The mere fact that somebody could love you wholeheartedly without any reward is mind blowing. The mere fact that people can stay in your life and change it and stick with you through ups and downs simply puts me in awe. The mere fact that falling in love is actually life altering.

Someday someone in this universe will love you regardless of your appearance, regardless of your opinions about yourself, he/she might even change your self doubts. You will stick with him/her for the rest of your life, by choice. You will love together, laugh together, fight together, and make up together. You will cry over the same movies, cuddle under the star light, reality-permitting, you will dance together in the plaza with earphones plugged in both of your ears. You will travel to foreign countries together, struggling to understand the natives, but end up laughing so hard in the hotel room because no one else in the world can understand you better than each other.

That's when I realized I've never as a matter of fact fallen in love for real, despite all the romantic memes in my mind about all my crushes. Falling in love is way more devoting, authentic and unique.

Consequently, on my 18th birthday, I made a silent wish before blowing out a candle, that I would love to fall in love for real in the future. It would be nice to feel true love from another person, but trying to get anything in return. It would be so nice to be warmed by another human being in the heart.

I will be loved.
And so will you.

The Escapist Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα