"Mutual Love"

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You just let your hair fall between his legs.So he picked up your hair and carefully placed it by your shoulder.

"Do you think...i don't know..that thr apocalypse might ruin our..friendship?"

You looked at him and thought about that word.


"Uh...i guess but i know we'll be able to stop it.Your more powerful than anything,even luther"

"Yea..i guess so"

His eyes began to slowly shut and you thought it was adorable how he couldn't help but fall asleep.You propped yourself up on his stomach more by his...but you didn't notice because you weren't touching it.

You eventually fell asleep and what felt like 10 minutes you woke up.You grabbed the bottle from his hand and chugged it.You wiped your mouth.

You just stared at the ceiling,some girl who looked super bratty came up to you and five "uh...are you guys like poor or something?" She then looked at five and licked her lips.

You got up and punched her eye and she began crying.

"Don't look or think about my boyfriend like that you ugly wh@re" she looked at you with fearful eyes and got up and ran away.


You layed back on fives lap right where you were before but very slowly so you didn't wake him up.You stared at the ceiling once again and heard 2 familiar
"Is that y/n and five?!"

"Are they drunk?!"

"Drunk as skunks"

You stayed where you were and scooted up a little so you could look at them.It was 2 of your brothers one was luther and two was diego.They looked at you in disbelief.

"What have you guys been doing?!"

You looked at them and said"Getting drunk"

"While we were busy looking for you?!"


That woke five up and he looked down at you and noticed how close you were to his...and he looked away and began blushing and getting awkward.

"Uh...y/n your head is uh..really close to my uh...Private part.."

You looked at him and looked at luther and diego.They nodded their heads and you sat up quickly and started blushing.Five sat up but fell back down.You also tried getting up but you couldn't.Before you could fall five held your back somehow through his drunk state.

"I'll carry y/n and you carry five" diego said to luther.

Five looked at diego and said "No i will carry my baby eXcUsE lE mE!" You laughed and said "you can't carry me your drunk!"

Diego went up to you and picked you up and five got upset and you couldn't help but laugh because he worries about you too much.

Luther picked up five and went down the stares  and diego followed along.They walked out of the door and started walking down an alley.

Diego said "who has been coming after you guys?"

"Hasl-e and cha ch-a"

"What? Whats that i don't like code language"

"Their names are hasle and cha cha" you said firmly and five looked over at you with heart eyes "that was dayum hawt" you blushed.Luther sighed five threw up in his mouth a little and lither looked at him and said "you better not throw up on me!"

Five looked at him with a stirty and mean look like he wanted to throw up in his face with one eyebrow raised.You laughed and diego looked down at you in his arms and cracked a smile.

"You know whats funny?" Five said.

You turned your head to look at him in luthers arms.

"Im going through puberty...twice"

You looked at him and he looked at you making you both blush.

You arrived at some weird arena thing where people were hitting and attacking each other.You guys walked into some wierd looking room and diego laid you down on the bed and luther put five in a chair.

You looked at five and and than at luther and said "HEY asshole!Put him on this goddamn bed with me this instant you little ugly twerp!"

Five looked at you and smiled crookedly but you thought it was hot.He lifted himself up and got on the other side of the bed beside you and you let him pull you against his waist.

"Ily with all my heart y/n" five said whispering.

"Ily too baby boy"

You guys finally fell asleep and diego said "if I didn't know they were such pricks I'd say they look quite adorable and nice in their sleep"

Word count:787

|sorry for being so inactive!🖤[

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