"DrUnK as a sKunK"

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You were talking to klaus when some other people came from the upstairs.One big ass monkey man and a lightened shorter girl.Along with a girl with beautiful curls and a man with a scar wearing all black.

You looked at five,and he looked back at you with a cute smile.Those people were confused klaus was in awe "if you guys need me to set you guys up on a date i can?!" You looked at klaus meaningly and he laughed.

Them people looked at you and the fat ass said "who's she?your girlfriend" while pointing at you.You started to blush hoping nobody noticed but the small girl did.She just looked away,you weren't gonna say anything about it tho.

You assumed she was shy "No! The hell she's my friend" you looked at him slyly,but of course he didn't notice "I'm Allison" the curly one said "I'm luther.." the monkey ass said "I'm......vanya" "I'm diego" you looked at five while he was standing there telling klaus to knock his shit off about him liking you.

It hurt you inside that he didn't like you.But you weren't sure if he was just saying that but you knew you were deeply in love with his face his sassy attitude and his fucked up but amazing personality.

"Um...so why are you here?" You looked at five kinda sad.He looked at them and said you were moving in you were also surprised and all of you except five said "WAIT,WHAT?!!" With different tones.

You felt...unwanted so you just used your invisibility power to go to a random room while five was busy.You started crying,you found the nearest room which was the bathroom.You sat against the wall by the shower.You started crying meaninglessly.You couldn't help that you were an outcast.

Not pretty,all your thoughts disappeared when you seen the knob on the door turn.Five walked in he seen you and instantly thought you were getting undressed or dressed and shut the door blushing.he looked down noticing a little something but he avoided it.

Before he could walk away you said "I'm an outcast aren't i?" You said with a heartless tone.He asked "were you getting dressed or something?" You laughed a little "No just sitting here" the knob turned once again showing a very pretty sarcastic deadass.Five.

He looked at you and immediately walked over to you "what's wrong?!" You looked away from him trying not to answer.You were mad you couldn't just give him what he wanted.You got up and walked out trying not to cry even more.You used your telekinesis to bring your stuff to you.Klaus seen this.

"OMGGGGG!!! Your like us!" You looked at him and gave a sad smile.A fake
One.He could tell it was fake "FIVE!!" You looked at him "OH NOO NO! He didn't do anything" as soon as you said that five walked in confused as fuck.

You began to walk out you got to the room you were directed to by five.It was actually really nice.You noticed it was fives room.You sighed.Not wanting to know what klaus was saying to him.Defeated you changed your clothes.

After you had gotten your clothes on

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After you had gotten your clothes on.You sat on fives bed.Your white slippers fell off as you ddi and you grabbed them and put your hair up.You noticed something on fives desk,when you were about to touch it klaus walked in.It startled you making the tear you were hiding fall,klaus looked at you.

"Aw are you alright sugarplum" you looked at him and used your powers to grab whatever was on fives desk and bring it over to klaus.He looked at it and you said "who is she?" You sounded obviously jealous five was walking past and he seen you he ultimately smiled.

"Oh her?...that's fives ex,he still likes her too"
"Ya know i never really thought about why tho...she obviously uses him.I can't tell him tho she promised to give me weed"


"What?wdym no she said she would" he said smiling

"You don't choose stupid shit like that over thr truth klaus,five needs to know if he doesn't take the fact than he'll see it in the future if why i told him."

"I care deeply about him.Bold of you to assume I don't" he said jokingly but he knew you weren't gonna laugh "Party pooper" he said slouched as he began to get off the bed.Want some vodca..beer? Or weed it'll help your mind"

Five hadn't heard that part he was wrapped up in his head he heard you guys walking out when he seen your outfit and blushed hot red.And he tried to ignore it he teleported into the bathroom in embarrassment.

You took beer and drank about 3 of them klaus told you to slow down but you didn't...you ended up getting drunker than a skunk you got up on the table and danced like a stripper when five walked in "the hell is wrong with her?" He said pointing to you still blushing.

"Have her grind on you five" klaus said drunk "Ew no you dumbass"
"I already know you'd like it five lets be real here"
Five teleported over to you when you tripped and then he tripped he hit his ass on the table and you landed in his lap "FUCK!" He said you said "hey daddddddyyyyyyyy" he was embarrassed so he picked you up and brought you to bed.

"Ugh" you said he was walking out when you said "NO!" He looked at you confused "what?"
"Come sleep with me" you said with a cheeky smile but he thought it was cute and said "sure"you snuggled up to him.

He smiled.

10:27 Am
You woke up with five talking to klaus outside the door you sat up and he walked in the room "oh your up" you smiled "my head is aching and where are you going?" He looked at you "on a mission" while he was putting his overlay coat on "what happened to me?" He blushed not wanting to answer.

"you called me dadddddddyy last night but you were drunk.But you'll be saying that to me in soberness one day" you smiled "i sure hope so" he looked at you and blushed hard hoping you would blush you were.But not as bad you cackled.

"Can i come?" He looked at you "are you sure?"
"My head will be fine later i just want to get out of this place." He looked at you and smiled "than get dressed"
He walked out he closed the door behind him you used your powers to open the box and get clothes with your powers.

You picked and outfit and put it on

You picked and outfit and put it on

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   (What you wore)

•thats the end my lovely's!!•

Word count:1143

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