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when jeongin told hyunjin that he was gonna take him to meet his father, he didn't know that the younger meant the week after their little namsan trip.

to say that he was rattle was an understatement, on the way home he got fidgety, he dropped jeongin off at his place and gave him a kiss on the lips before he went home, had a mental breakdown and decided to watch cute videos puppies on youtube to calm himself.

he had three days left before the big meeting and surely one would think that he had pulled himself together and actually got ready right?


he sat on his bedroom floor, piles of shirts, hoodies, and other articles of clothing laid on his bed as he stared at them as if they were gonna do shit.

yeji looked at him unimpressed, as she stared at her brother from the corner of the room as she flipped through her magazine, "right, i don't think staring at your clothes will do anything. why don't you just pack and get ready for your busan trip."

"shut up," hyunjin whined as he stood up as he rummaged through his pile of clothes, he held up his favorite striped shirt before he tossed it to the floor- completely missing his luggage bag, "i have to impress mr. yang and make my baby's father be proud and stuff."

"bro, why is it that we don't call parents by their first names? like do you even KNOW what mom and dad's first names are?" yeji asked suddenly as hyunjin paused before shrugging,

"always thought their names were mom and dad... i dunno, maybe it's mary and joseph or something."

yeji snorted, "what does that make you? jesus?"

hyunjin sighed, "sis this is FANFICTION parents don't usually have first names here."

yeji looked at him as if he was insane before she sighed herself and went back to her magazine.

when he had told his family that he was going to meet jeongin's father for the first time- his mom went batshit crazy and began fangirling through text with her crazy emojis and keyboard smashing, yeji sent a like sign emoji and his dad replied 'i hope the meeting goes well son!! don't worry too much about it, just be you and you'll do great <3'

he thanked the stars for his dad- the only one of the hwangs who was like SANE and stuff.

hyunjin had met two of the most important people of his boyfriend's life- chan and jungkook. both got off the wrong foot when he mistook chan as a totally hot out of reach daddy kind of boyfriend that was after jeongin and jungkook hasn't really warmed up to him after the hotel incident where the older tackled him to the floor and stuff.

hyunjin gulped of the possibility of jeongin's dad not liking him- it would probably spell disaster for his relationship.


"stop reading your trash white girl magazines and help me!" hyunjin whined as yeji gasped in offense.

"pop star is NOT white girl trash!" yeji defended as hyunjin rolled his eyes as he stared at the obnoxious cover featuring loads of different western artists,

"what is harry styles' secret? could YOU be zayn's dream girl? this isn't even the latest issue!" hyunjin said as he read some of the headlines as yeji huffed,

"bashing my shit won't exactly earn you favors rat."

"just help me pleaseeeee?" hyunjin asked, pouting for extra cuteness as yeji gave him a look.

yeji sighed in defeat, "just never pout in front of me again, your bottom lip look like it got stung by a bee."


yeji called in reinforcements as hyunjin called them: woojin, minho, and jisung.

chan took jeongin somewhere to distract him while they go and do what hyunjin wanted to do.

jeongin told hyunjin not to worry about the little meeting with his father, and that he should just chill and go with it.

the younger must've forgotten he was dating a drama queen and obviously hyunjin loved nothing more than start or make drama.

minho looked around the room, got up and went to the kitchen before hyunjin could say a word.

"don't mind him sweetie," woojin said as he waved off minho, "he's wack. anyways, what do you need help with?"

"i- uhh, i wanna impress jeongin's dad and stuffs but i don't know much about him or how he reacts with people. what if he's homophobic? what if he'd punch me straight in the face? what if he might not like me?" hyunjin said as he listed down the reasons he thought off as the others stared at him.

yeji groaned before standing up to leave the room as well, claiming she was going to spend some time with yeonjun.

"FLOPS!" hyunjin called after her.

"WE HAVE MORE WINS THAN YOU SHUT UP!" yeji snapped back as woojin gasped as jisung looked down, sad.

hyunjin flipped her off.

"sweetie," woojin tried to start but realized he had nothing to say so he nudged the other boy besides him.

"huh? oh uh yeah?" jisung started as he scratched the back of his neck, "mr. yang is actually nice, soft, and uhh easy to talk to. he isn't homophobic and won't punch you in the face. as for not liking you- he has a tendency to not like people at first sight. he might be extroverted and stuff but it takes a while for you to actually warm up to him."

hyunjin sighed, "i just wanna make my baby proud ya know? i love him a lot and i wanna make everyone around him know that."

"well," woojin said as he plopped down on hyunjin's bed, throwing the younger's clothes on the floor earning a glare, "if you wanna do that then you can maybe try and impress his bestfriend jimin."

"why does my baby have so many boys around him?" hyunjin groaned.

woojin chuckled, "busan boys represent bitch. but yeah, jiminie is a key figure in his life. you want smooth sailing when you get to busan? win park jimin's heart- wait not in that way jungkook would KILL you."

"okay okay, i think i know what you mean."


can i just say i MISSED writing for this book 😭 like omg!!

was gonna wait for 30k to post this but a bitch got excited and wanted to show y'all what the next few chapters are about uwu

hope you enjoy!!

thanks for reading !!

- ferds

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