twenty eight

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hyunjin was confused to say the least, he was staring at his phone, rereading jeongin's text for the hundredth time.

"w-what does this mean?" he asked yeonjun, who tilted his head in confusion before he squealed like a thirsty fangirl,


"yeonjun wha?" felix asked confused as they drove.

"i think he's coming." yeonjun said as hyunjin frowned.

"w-why? h-he's at busan."

"would he text something like that if he wasn't?" yeonjun retorted, shutting hyunjin up.



"we have to get there soon..."

"my baby is waiting for me."

"my jinnie is waiting for me!" jeongin huffed as jungkook gave him an apologetic smile.

"sorry bubba, but this traffic is so hectic i can't get through."

jeongin looked at the sea of cars in the streets as he sighed in frustration.

"don't you have like waze or something?" he tried as jungkook laughed,

"i wish i had but i don't, plus we're sandwiched here so we can't really go anywhere."

jeongin looked defeated but he suddenly perked up and looked at the invitation in his hand.

'bE tHeRe Or wE gO aFTer YoUr knEeCaPs'

he frowned at the threat but he opened it and saw the map to the church and his eyes widened,

"k-koo, this is five blocks away."

"y-yeah, don't worry bubba we'll get there in ten minutes." jungkook reassured him but one look at the street jeongin knew that they wouldn't.

"don't worry once we- bubba what are you doing?" jungkook started but stopped when he saw jeongin remove his helmet and he ran his fingers through his black hair.

"i'm gonna make a run for it."

"are you crazy? innie you'd be so tired!" jungkook exclaimed but jeongin gave him a sheepish smile as he got off the bike.

"i'm in love hyung, let me be crazy. i'll see you there!" he grinned as he threw a peace sign before squeezing his way through the cars and bikes before he made a dash for the sidewalk and ran.

all jungkook could do was watch his dongsaeng with a fond smile on his face.

"honey? aren't you going to come in? the ceremony is about to start." hyunjin's mom asked as she saw hyunjin look nervous as he kept looking around.

"i- i'm waiting for innie, mom." he replied as he looked around.

"why didn't he go with you?" his mom asked curiously as hyunjin gulped.

"oh, uhmm he said he had some stuff to take care of before he comes here. h-he went to busan to uhmm visit his uhh dad." he lied, technically it wasn't a lie since the younger was gonna be in busan and he was gonna see his dad.

his fake boyfriend ➸ hyuninOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz