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y'all don't know how many times i rewrote this shit just to make it right LMAO

anyways enjoy uwu


"so, when's the wedding again?" chan asked over lunch as he woojin, and jeongin sat around their table.

"sunday." jeongin mumbled as he took a bite from his food.

"perfect, guess that means we can take you shopping for a cute tux." woojin smiled, jeongin lifted his head and offered him an eyesmile,

"that sounds perfect hyungie, thank you."

"by the way, why hasn't hyunjin stopped by these past few days? you guys okay?" chan asked again and jeongin replied,

"hmm? oh yeah, well he's busy preparing for the wedding, being one of the groomsmen and all."

after that no more questions have been asked and they returned to eating in peace.

as you could tell, the hyungs don't know anything about what had happened after the kiss- apparently they mistook the look on hyunjin's face as shock and jeongin's smile as happiness.

that's the image jeongin wanted them to know anyway, something fluffy and soft rather than the tearjerking, heartbreaking scene that had actually happened.

less complications that way too.

they heard a knock on the door and chan got up and answered it, a few seconds later they heard,

"aussie aussie aussie!!"

"oi oi oi!!"

woojin nodded in realization, "ah, must be lixie."

"i can tell." jeongin laughed.

"is baby boy here?" felix asked.

"i'm right here!" woojin called from the kitchen.

"not you, you're old!" felix retorted and woojin gasped as he almost dropped the plate he was washing making all of them laugh.

"i'm here hyung!" jeongin said as felix walked inside the room, giving jeongin a smile.

"hey innie, wanna go for a walk with me?"

jeongin hesitated, this was hyunjin's bestfriend, someone who clearly has an idea of what had happened.

should he really go?

after a careful deliberation he nodded his head soflty, "o-okay."


the two started down the road, having no destination in mind as the they both knew what this was all about.

"so..." felix started but he cuts himself off as he decided to cut to the chase.

"it must've been hard on you huh?" felix asked and jeongin sighed,

"i'd be lying if i said it's not."

"i know, i saw the look in your eye."

"you were hurt, you thought you had a chance, you thought you were actually doing what you were paid to do, you thought that you were gonna find love but instead all you got was a painful reminder on who still has his heart."

jeongin looked down as he nodded softly, "e-exactly."

hearing his thoughts get voiced out by someone made him realize how stupid everything was.

as if everything was a joke: the hooker being hyunjin might have feelings for him and the punchline was the kiss.

"it just hurts so much!" jeongin said as he buried his face on felix's shirt as the older put his arms around him protectively and reassuringly.

"why am i never good enough? why is it i always the one who can't be happy? why is it always me that has to get hurt, why can't he accept that kim seungmin doesn't love him but yang jeongin does!"

"i- i just wanted to know i-if under all them lies t-there was a bit of truth for the both of us, even j-just a little."

felix's eyes widened and jeongin realized he had said too much.

"i- i would like to go home now."


"please tell me he's okay." were the first words that left hyunjin's mouth as soon as felix entered his room.

it's been a week and hyunjin has been going insane, the younger had been ignoring his calls and texts and for good reason too.

hyunjin was a dick.

felix looked at him and sighed, "you did a number on him that's for sure."

hyunjin looked down, "i- i was scared and didn't know what came over me."

"right, because we use fear as an excuse when we fuck up."

hyunjin looked up and glared at him, "as if you're any better."

felix rolled his eyes, "i know i sound like a hypocrite right now but i'm learning from my mistakes. don't turn this about me when you're the one who fucked everything up."

"i- i'm not even sure if he really likes me- i mean i- i paid him to be my boyfriend!"

"is that how you see it? that everything revolves around your fucking money? jesus, hwang. don't you see it everytime you look in his eyes?"

hyunjin was silent, he curled up into a ball and buried his face into his hands, "I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO THINK ANYMORE FELIX OKAY?! I DON'T FUCKING KNOW!"

felix was shocked and taken aback by the older's language, hyunjin rarely screamed in anger, he was the more calmer version who had everything under control.

this hyunjin looked like he's lost control of everything.

it was silent for a few seconds as he looked up again and declared,

"i know what has to be done."


jeongin was sitting on their couch, alone in his home as woojin went to work and chan went out to buy some stuff.

he stared at the plushie hyunjin won for him at the amusement park which was by his side and along with a polaroid of him and the older during his graduation.

'did any of this mean to you or were you just feeding your fantasies?'

he was in the middle of wallowing in self pity when he heard someone knock on the door, he groaned,

"why does chan hyung always forgets his keys."

he got up from his seat, tearing his eyes away from rupaul's drag race (cause its gay culture) to answer the door.

"goddamnit hyung i told you to not forget your stupid keys." he said but stopped when he opened the door.

his mouth turned dry as he stared at the person outside his home right now.

"w-what are you doing here?"

"baby, c-can we talk?" hyunjin asked.


i'm a bitch for leaving y'all with cliffhangers- pls don't kill me, bridget i mean u lol.

yeah not really the best but this was better than the other drafts LMAO.


hyunin shit gonna happen on the next update!! pls be on the look out for that.

also, i mean no one asked but like regarding the minsung and changlix arcs we'll wrap them up after the final chapter as bonus chapters uwu and then i'll post the teaser for the next hyunin book, coup d'etat.

thanks for reading!!

- ferds

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