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hyunjin sniffed as he blew his nose on a tissue as felix looked at him in disgust.

"that's gross." felix commented as he stared at the yoghurt he was eating then back to hyunjin.

hyunjin rolled his eyes, "well, i'm sorry a bitch got sick alright? it's not my fault."

"i think it is, like who's idea was it to go out in the rain at midnight and prance around like you're rachel mcadams from the notebook?"

"ya know, if you're not gonna take care of me i suggest you leave." hyunjin grumbled as he crossed his arms over his chest as felix chuckled at him.

"don't worry i am leaving in a bit. i'm just waiting for someone to take care of you." felix replied as he checked his phone, smiling at the good morning text he got from changbin.

hyunjin raised an eyebrow at this and smirked, "ooohh, looks like someone made up with binnie hyung."

felix choked on his yoghurt as he dropped his phone on hyunjin's bed making hyunjin laugh out loud, as he clapped his hands before getting into a coughing fit.

"what dorks." a voice commented as the two turned and saw a man with dark brown hair with an amused expression, hyunjin could clearly remember he was minho based on what he saw on the site and behind him was,

"innie? what are you doing here? it's a school day." hyunjin frowned making jeongin roll his eyes.

"jeez, boyfriend is sick and needs a caretaker. what's not clicking?" jeongin replied as he held up a first aid kit and pointed to his white nurse hat with a red cross on it.

"lixie, he's gonna miss a school day, why did you tell him i was sick." hyunjin whined.

"technically, you told him you were sick." felix scoffed as he showed hyunjin his ig story of him laying in bed with the caption 'im sick.'

"then jeongin messaged me asking how you were doing and i told him you were here, ruining my yogurt breakfast with your sneezing and shit and you were gonna be left alone cause yeji is busy finalizing shit for the wedding."

"hey, speaking of? where did you get that yogurt?" minho asked, felix shrugged and said, "there's some at the fridge mate."

minho nodded excitedly as he rushed down to get his own.

jeongin shook his head at his hyung, before walking towards the sick male, he grabbed a surgical mask from his kit and said,

"don't worry jinjin hyung, you'll be better in no time with nurse innie here."

felix snorted at the nickname, making hyunjin blush in embarrassment.

"i- but you'll miss school." he tried to reason.

"it's just graduation practice anyways, and i'm not graduating till next year so it's just you missing out on shit." jeongin giggled as hyunjin huffed,

"fine, thank you innie."

"yo, this yogurt tastes funny." minho commented as he entered the room again.

"hyung, that's not yogurt that's mayonnaise." jeongin snapped at him, minho looked at the mayo he was holding before dipping his spoon onto it again.

"oh.. well, the mayo is good." minho said with a thumb's up as the three younger boys stared at him in disgust.

"right, well minho hyung is gonna take me to school now. bye!" felix said as he grabbed minho's hand dragging him away (not before placing the mayo down on hyunjin's dresser).

his fake boyfriend ➸ hyuninحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن