No Offense

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The click of the stall locking behind me echoed through the surprisingly clean washroom. I shut my eyes and just stood, counting my breaths and slowing my heart rate until I was calmed down. It didn't take long, as gaining control of my emotions at lightening speed was a skill required to be an assassin.

After I calmed myself down, a million questions ran through my mind.

Why didn't I stop him from pulling my sleeve up?

Why didn't I realize where the conversation was going?

Surely Dick knew who the Joker was. What would he think of his name being carved into my arm?

Would he tell people?

Would his opinion of me change?

The last thing I wanted was pity from Grayson. The last thing I wanted was for our playful banter and carefree friendship to be replaced with deep conversations and tearful words.

If it wasn't for the sentence engraved into my skin, I would've been able to pull it off as self harm, and tell him that it happened a long time ago and I was over it now. None of the scars were new anyway.

But it had to be my right arm. Of course it did.

"Why is life so unfair?"

I started at the sound of someone outside my stall voicing the exact words I was thinking. I heard two pairs of footsteps walking further into the bathroom, and I quickly jumped up onto the toilet seat.

"Shut up," the other voice said, "You're not the one who was just sick for a week. I missed two tests and now some senior chick is going after Lukas."

I almost groaned. Out of all the people I didn't want to talk to right now, Lauren topped the list.

At least she answered my question of where she had disappeared off to for the past seven days. I had thought, I had hoped that she had gotten hit by a bus, but I guess she just had a cold.

"Yeah but at least your hair looks fine." Alice Diesel's voice echoed through the small space and I rolled my eyes.

This is seriously why her life was unfair? It amazed me how petty teenage girls could be.

"My hair looks amazing," Lauren countered smugly, and I knew she was twirling her strawberry blonde locks around her spindly, manicured fingers.

A deep sigh sounded from Alice in response as she undoubtedly fiddled with her straight brown hair. I was in no mood to sit here on the toilet seat and wait for these two girls to get their problems sorted out.

I was just about to leave when something from outside sparked my interest.

"What are you gonna do about the new girl?" I heard a pop as someone opened a tube of mascara.

"Hershey?" Lauren said my name with such hatred it made me beam with pride, "I haven't figured it out yet. But she won't be returning to this school next year if I do my work well."

"Hopefully she won't return for next semester," Alice responded. I didn't even know this girl and she hated me. Hilarious.

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