Part Three: Goodnight, Buddy

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You sit up and continue to hold Buddy in your hands. You dance him around kind of like you would to a baby. Buddy giggles like a small child which makes you smile just thinking of how cute he is. Awkwardly, you sit him down, and look around the room to see if there's anything else to entertain this doll. Your gazing stops when you notice the tub of Truth or Dare cards in the back. "Buddy, this is something we're both going to love," you let him know. Buddy claps his hands together, just in a very cute way. You crawl over to the tub of cards and bring Buddy with you. "It's Truth or Dare: card version."
Buddy reaches for the tub and grasps it in awe. "I knew about Truth or Dare, but not a card version!"
You grin at the lovable doll and reach your hands out for the tub. Buddy places the tub back in your hands, and you open the top to reveal all the cards inside.
"Yep. Here you go." You hand a set of cards over to Buddy and some for yourself.
"Truth or Dare?" Buddy quickly interjects.
"Uh, that's not how it starts... off," You murmur. "But we can just ask Truth or Dare and forget about... the... the trivia cards."
The doll tilts his head to the side. "Okay. Truth or Dare?"
You look up as if to think, and you finally answer, "Truth."
"Truth," Buddy repeats. "Hm... Do you love me?"
Man, is that the cutest question Buddy has asked yet! His big eyes focus onto yours and every move they make. "Of course I do! You're the best," you tell him.
Buddy smiles really big and places his hands on his cheeks. "You're making me blush!"
At that moment, you just squeal out of pure cuteness! Everything this doll does is so adorable, and you can't help but hug him after he says something so cute. "You're adorable!" You beam.
Buddy smiles and says, "Your turn!"
"Truth or Dare?"
"Ooh, dare?" You question him. "Are you sure?"
Buddy nods his head as you think of a good dare to give the doll. "I got one," you tell him proudly. "I dare you to make the scariest face ever!"
     Buddy makes a 'scary' face without hesitation and you keep trying to hold in your laugh. "Good one, Buddy!"
     "Anything for you, (Y/N)," he lets you know. The doll walks closer to you and give you another hug. "My best buddy."
     You hug him tighter and smile. As you hug the loving doll, you glance down at your watch and sigh. "What's wrong?" Buddy asks, confused by the sigh.
     "The time," you tell him. "I-I think I'm going to go to bed."
     "Aww," Buddy moans. "The fun was just getting started!"
     You shrug. "I know, Buddy..."
     There's a pause and the two of you just look around. You get up and put the games away and soon make your way towards the bed. You sit on it for a bit and think about what you'll do with the doll. Do I turn him off? You question in your head. Or do I keep him on and let him 'sleep' with me? But before you can decide, Buddy chimes in with, "(Y/N), where am I going to sleep?"
     Now that is a surprise. You don't think a doll like this needs actual sleep, but it'd be rude not to let him sleep with you. "Um... my bed's pretty big. We can both share it for the night."
     Buddy smiles. "Thanks, best buddy!" he exclaims. Instead of Buddy walking over to you, you walk over to the doll and pick him up, placing him on the bed. He smiles, probably for you doing a favor. "Well, I'm going to get undressed in the bathroom," you inform Buddy while pointing to the bathroom. "I'll be right back."
     "Okay," he responds.
     You come back dressed in your pajamas and your teeth brushed as well. Buddy's sitting casually on the bed, except this time the TV's on.
     You laugh a little. "Buddy, what are doing watching TV this late?" You ask him.
     "Just while you were gone," he tells you with a full smile. You smile back and turn off the light. Right when you reach for the remote to the TV, Buddy lifts his finger, and the screen goes black.
     "Whoa, Buddy, how'd you do that?" You ask.
     "You have a Kaslan TV, (Y/N)," Buddy points out. "I can connect to it and turn it on, off, control volume, etc."
     "Nice." With Buddy already on the bed, you lift the covers and slip in. After a few seconds, Buddy complains that it's too cold. "I usually have the fan on every night," you tell him. Buddy looks over at you and frowns. You sigh and look to your right where there's a mini blanket you had used a long time ago. "Here you go." You wrap Buddy around with the polka-dotted blanket, and soon Buddy's eyes 'shut.' Well that was quick, you think to yourself. You shift your body to the side, close your eyes, and proceed to fall asleep.


     "Goodnight, (Y/N)!" You hear a voice from behind you say. You flinch and quickly turn around, only to realize the voice wasn't beside you, it was hovering above you. Your eyes widen when you realize it's Buddy. "B-Buddy, what are you doing?!" You stammer, still shocked.
     "Watching over you," he replies positively.
     You don't know what to say. You just turn back over and think to yourself. Well that's kinda creepy, why can't he just go to sleep? As the night goes on, you find it harder and harder to fall asleep, knowing that someone's watching you...
You are my buddy, until the end. More than a buddy, you're my best friend... he sings softly through out the night. Soon, you feel tiny doll hands wrap around you like a hug.

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