Part Eleven: Downtown Mishaps

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     You wait in the closet a little longer, not knowing what to do. You definitely don't want to get caught, that's for sure. But finally you hear your parents making their way upstairs, so you decide it's the perfect time to escape.
     "Come on, Buddy; let's go," you tell the doll.
     Buddy raises his eyebrows. "Okay."
     You pick up the doll and open the closet door. You can feel the goodness of the fresh air as you inhale. You look around and notice that the TV is off and the lights, too. "Guess they went up for good," you whisper.
     Buddy giggles and claps his hands lightly. "The prank was a success."
     You smile. "Yep."
     Once in your bedroom again, you lay on your bed thinking of ideas on what you can do with Buddy. But before you can decide, Buddy speaks up. "Let's go outside."
     You scoff. "Outside? But it's... late. You know, we don't want my parents to find out that we snuck out the house."
     Buddy shrugs. "Welllll.... it'll be fine."
     You sit and think for a moment. "Okay, fine." You pick up Buddy and walk down the stairs and out the door. Every moment you make, you do it slowly and as quiet as possible, in order for mom and dad to not find out. Once you're finally out of the house, you ask Buddy, "So where do you want to go, exactly?"
     Buddy examines the outside and thinks. "Downtown."
"Yes! It'll be fun."
You sigh heavily and close your eyes. Goodness, I'm gonna get in so much trouble!
"Okay, then. Downtown, it is."
Buddy cheers as you start to head for the busy streets of downtown. You honestly don't know why the doll wanted to go so badly, but you do it anyway. Heck, Buddy and you could really use some alone time together, and make up for the moments at the sleepover.

About thirty minutes later, you arrive at downtown. The lights are bright as usual, and there are still cars driving by. You know your way around town, so you suggest climbing up the stairs to one of the buildings and staying up on the roof for a little while. Buddy loves the idea, so you go with the flow and get up on the flat roof of the building. Once Buddy arrives on the roof, which he came by riding on your back, he immediately gasps and his eyes widen.
"It's beautiful!" He exclaims.
You smile at the precious doll and stare out into the distance. The city looks pretty amazing from the building you're on.
Most of the time on the roof is peaceful. The wind feels just right, and it's the perfect temperature considering the autumn season. You stand up and inhale some air, and tell Buddy that you're going to use the bathroom inside the building.
"Don't leave me!" He cries out. He starts running to you and you roll your eyes.
"Buddy, it's fine. I'll be back in, like, five minutes."
You leave the roof and enter the building, leaving Buddy stranded. You enter the bathroom, and the stalls aren't what you expected. They look years old, and at least two of them were clogged. Yuck. But finally, you open the door to a stall that's probably the only decent one, and it just so happens to be your favorite; the last stall AKA the biggest. You try to hurry up a bit so Buddy doesn't have a panic attack all alone.
Once you're finished, you step out and turn the faucet on. You flinch when you're interrupted by a strange noise. You turn off the water and ask, "Hello?... Anybody there?" There's no answer, so you just ignore it and dry your hands. But you turn around to find Buddy. And not just Buddy, Buddy with a knife.
"Buddy, w-what you are doing with that?" You question him, startled. The knife isn't the only think that shocks you; his eyes are now red; they've never been.
"You always treat me like trash," he tells you.
You furrow your brows. "I thought we were over this."
Buddy squints his eyes and shakes his head. "(Y/N), I was never over anything."
He suddenly lunges forth and you dodge the shot. You dart out the bathroom and lock the door behind you. Buddy bangs the door endlessly, and shouts for you to let him out. "I'm your best buddy, how could you do this to me?!"
Your heart starts racing. What am I going to do? You ask yourself. You stop when you spot somebody walking down the hall. They just so happened to spot you as well, and they make a confused face when they see you up against the bathroom door. "Everything... okay?" They ask.
You gulp. "Uh... y-yeah, everything's fine."
They nod slowly and leave. You blow some air and look up. After awhile, you don't hear anything from Buddy: no banging, and definitely no noise. You contemplate on whether or not you should open the door and check up on him. You're a brave person, and you know that if this doll still wants to put up a fight, you could easily take him down any day.
You unlock the bathroom door and open it very slowly. You're shocked when you see Buddy laying on the floor, and the knife is in the sink.
"Buddy?" You whisper.
He quickly sits up. "(Y/N)?"
"What the heck happened?" You question him, seriously this time.
He sits there with the-

      He sits there with the-

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-face like he usually does. Just acts like he didn't do anything wrong.
"What do you mean?" He asks innocently as he tilts his head.
"What do you mean??" You repeat, very annoyed at this point. "You just tried to freaking stab me! What's wrong with you?"
Buddy stammers and continues to act like he didn't do anything wrong.
"You know what, you're no different then Chucky." You leave the room and exit the building. Just as you start to head back home, Buddy rushes to you and grabs your leg. You turn around and kick him off your leg. "Stop, Buddy!" You shout. Oh, here come the tears. Your eyes start to water and you just want it to STOP.
Buddy gets up and the sad face remains. "That wasn't me!" He whines. "I know it wasn't!"
You furrow your brows but shrug it off quickly after. You start to walk again, but Buddy interrupts, again.
"Listen! I think I got hacked."
You stop. You don't turn around, but you stop in your tracks. You sigh. "Even if you did get hacked, I didn't like it. Just... go home."
You leave downtown and finally start heading back. You don't hear Buddy trailing on behind you, so you start to get a little nervous. You honestly don't know what this doll is really capable of.

You lay down in your bed for the final time. You close your eyes, and try to get some rest. It's just not easy without Buddy. You don't want to admit, but his soothing singing throughout the night acted like a sleep sound, and it really did help you fall asleep. As the night goes on, you start to become more and more worried about Buddy.

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