Chapter 10

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Picture of Riley on the Media

~Riley's POV~

About 17 years since I kept this secret.... I've been by Sasha's side since she was 4, and when she gained her powers at age 12. All the mutant runs and escapes she had made at 17, her current age and the last time I might ever see her again. I'm Riley Miles, forgotten 26 year old brother of Sasha Miles.

~10 Years Ago~

The teacher banged her ruler on the top of my desk. "Mr. Miles! Pay attention please! This will be on the midterm!" yelled the teacher. I raised my head from my shoulders, I rubbed my temples. I couldn't stay focused on World History right now, I had more important matters. The new law coming to order this evening. Sometimes I wish we could talk about real and serious current events happening in the world. Something that is actually important. Well, important to at least most of us. Garrus and I to be more clear.

"Riley!" the teacher yelled at me again. I jumped a little bit, not realizing I was going deep into thought. "Uh.. yes?" I tilted my head, the teacher giving me a death glare, while tapping her foot. "I asked you a question."

I could hear Garrus laughing a bit. "Just say China, stupid." Garrus said in my head.

"China." I said out loud, and the teacher nodded and continued teaching. Garrus laughed to himself. Garrus Quinn, telepath and technopath, with a touch of a pain in the ass at times. But of course, he was like the brother I never had, we were always best friends from the time we first met in first grade, to when we had our mutantions together. Then there was Garrus' girlfriend Charlotte Temple, also a mutant with powers of teleporting and energy projection. Now me? Well.. I can only shape-shift, I don't have a second power like the two.

Before I knew it, the bell rang and everybody was dismissing and leaving the school. Garrus, Charlotte, and I walked home together. "So Ri." said Garrus looking over at me. I turned my head to him.

"Rumor has it that Amanda Richardson is thinking about you and maybe asking you out to the Spring Dance." Garrus smirked. I rolled my eyes. Everytime Garrus says rumor has it, it always means he was reading minds in class.

"Gary, I told you, I don't date." I simply said, looking over at my house and walked towards it. Garrus and Charlotte laughed and waved goodbye. I smiled at them and waved back. Getting my keys from my pocket, I unlocked the door to find my mom making lunch and dad not home yet.

"Hello sweetie." mom smiled as she heard the door open. "Hey mom!" I smiled back and then I instantly turned on the TV to the News.

Come on come on..

They couldn't pass the law, it's not fair! Mutants are people too!

"Riley! Charlotte! Are you guys watching the News?" said Garrus through a mind link. Garrus always made a mind link between us three. "Yes Gary, and I'm scared too." I replied.

"Totally... " Charlotte said nervously.

We all watched the news carefully. Then... of course.... the Mutant Act was accepted. The three of us started panicking.

"Mutant Officers will be knocking door to door to find all these mutants and put them were they belong." said Senator Kelly on the News.

My mom looked over at me. "Riley go do your homework."

"Um.. I'm going to get some fresh air first!" I said and made a nervous walk to the door. As soon as I opened it, two mutant officers were standing in front of me.

"Excuse me, we are here to check your house mister." The first one said. The second one had a deceive that was blinking and was pointing at me.

The first officer noticed and narrowed his eyes at me. "Nevermind, looks like one had the guts to show up in front of us."

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