Chapter 4

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Picture of Lily on the Media

I sighed as I sat on a fire escape on an abandoned building in Brooklyn. Riley of course was on my shoulders, trying to comfort me. I stood up and went inside the building. It had a bunch of dust and a few spiderwebs everywhere. It had a broken TV, an old bed, and a broken fridge. I looked at Riley. "Well buddy this is our home for now." Riley flew on one of the dusty counters on the kitchen.

"It isn't so bad." I shrugged. "Just needs a little cleaning." I said trying to look at the bright side. Riley gave me a "really" look. I looked at the old bed with the mattress on it. I wiped some of the dust off of it. A mouse popped out from the mattress and started running around.

I squealed a little as Riley flew down and killed the mouse with his talon. I rolled my eyes and chuckled. "Well at least you had food." I check the packets of my jeans. I had my wallet with me. I sighed as I unwrapped my hoodie from around my hip and I put it on the cover my wings. I also check my hood pocket and I got my leather gloves back on.

I put the fire escape latter down. I looked over at Riley who was eating his mouse. "I'll be back later." I said as I climbed down the latter. I walked over to the nearest fast food place. It was Wendy's. I walked into Wendy's and I ordered a burger and a drink to go. I started making my way to my apartment, as I looked up, seeing some of my bird friends flying above me.

I looked over to a huge sign that said, Genosha, Welcomes all Mutants. I scoffed.

As I was almost to my new "home" I saw a little girl who looked about 9 or 10. I looked over at her. She was crying. She had cat like ears you could sorta see from her beanie. She was leaning against the wall near my new home. I walked over to her.

"What's the matter?" I asked her. The girl was shocked by me, she wiped her tears. "My... my parents... they... they kicked me out."

I looked at her, sadly. "Why?"

"Cause... they didn't want to be caught with a mutant for a daughter." she tried to not cry.

I patted her. "It's ok..." I said. I looked over at the fire escape. "Come follow me." I said, the girl stood up, nodding. We climbed the fire escape latter together and I showed her the building.

"Here." I said as I cut half of my burger for her. The girl smiled with glee has she took the burger half. "Thanks!" she took a bite out of it. I smiled. "Whats your name?" I asked.

The girl first shallowed her food. "I'm Lily." she smiled. "Are you a mutant too?"

I nodded. "Yep." Riley flew to my shoulders. Lily looked at him, amazed. I smiled at Lily. "This is Riley." Lily waved a little and smiled back. "Hello Riley." she chuckled. "If you don't mind me asking, what is your mutantion?" I asked.

Lily took off her beanie, revealing tiger like ears on top of her head. She then flashed me a grin, pointing to her teeth. She had really sharp teeth. "Oh and this is my favorite!" Lily chuckled a bit.

Lily adjusted her leggings a bit, then a tail came out. She laughed. "See! See!"

I laughed along with her. "Can I see yours miss...?" Lily asked, her green eyes sparkled. I put my burger down on a plate and I took my hoodie off, revealing my wings, and I showed her my talons. Lily clapped. "That's amazing! You can fly!" I chuckled a bit. Riley then perked his head up a bit. I looked at him.

"Whats wrong?" Riley didn't answer, he flew out alittle to the fire escape. I made my mind link with him to see what he saw. MRD trucks.

I quietly looked at Lily. "Ok, we have to be quiet now.." I said putting my hoodie back on and I handed Lily her beanie. Lily tilted her head. "Why?" she whispered.

Riley came back inside, and I closed the window and pulled down the shades. "Because the bad men are out there." I explained.

"What bad men?" asked Lily. I looked around the room to check if there were any more windows. "The MRD. The hunt people like us. Mutants. They will put us in cells forever." Lily shaked. "I don't want them to catch me..." I hugged her. "It's ok. We're not going to get caught. I promise." Lily nodded, hugging me back.

I looked through the old closet in the building. It had a broom and some cleaning spray and a few towels. Lily looked over at me. "May I help?" she smiled. I smiled back at her and gave her the towels. "Put those over there please."

Lily nodded and put the towels over at the counter. I started cleaning the floor with the broom. Riley helped out by getting some spider webs on the ceiling. Lily helped clean the counters and by the time we were done, the place looked great.

Lily and I sat down on the couch. I hugged Lily tightly. Lily smiled at me. "I never got your name." Lily said to me. "Sasha."

"I like your name." she smiled, then yawned. Riley was on a shelf which he made a nest out of. I patted Lily's head, as she fell asleep.

After Riley and Lily, fell asleep, I soon began to doze off...

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