Chapter 7

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Riley and I were sitting on a roof top, watching cars drive by. I had a ham sandwich on my right hand, eating it while Riley and I waited. Waited for the perfect moment. MRD trucks started driving from a distance. I looked at Riley and grinned. "Show time." I screamed loudly as Riley flew away. I broke alot of windows from a hotel across from me. That got the MRD's attention. Once the guards started shooting at me, I jumped from the roof top and on top of their truck, smashing it with my impact.

"Hello boys." I grinned and I waved at them. They responded by quickly shooting at me. I pretended to put on a good fight, then I acted as they hit me on my wing. I fell on the ground as the guards threw me into the truck. I turned my link with Riley on.

"Hows my eyes in the skies?" I asked through my mind. I linked up my sight with his, to see what he was seeing. Riley was right above the truck where I was in. I smiled. "Perfect, right according to plan." I said in his mind.

Riley scoffed. "This has to be one of the most abnormal plans I have ever heard in my life."

I chuckled. "You're a bird, Riley, of course this is the craziest thing ever for you."

Once the truck dropped me off at the MRD cells, they put me in a special cell. The MRD guard looked at me. "Sound proof glass. You got no chance of escaping this time. And I can't wait to see the look on Officer Ben' face when he sees you."

I grinned at the guard. "Oh he'll get a surprise all right." The guard walked away from my cell and I sat down on the bed I had in my cell. I linked my sight to Riley's again. "Ready?" I asked him.

"Are you?"


"Then let's do this."

I gently stood up, and took a few deep breathes. I made sure my link to Riley was tight. Then I let out a scream, but, it didn't come from my mouth, the scream transferred into Riley's making him break the back wall of the MRD. Riley flew out of the breaken wall, and through the front door. All the troops were gathered through the back to see if it was a mutant, while Riley gracefully flew through the front and to my cell.

Riley pecked the numbers on the key pad and opened my cell. I smiled at him. "Time for Act 2 my friend." Riley gave me a slight grin as we flew together to the MRD armory. I got a gun belt, some ammo, bullet proof vest, two daggers, duel pistols, and a shotgun. Then, Riley and I made our way to the main computer, hacking away at it and setting the mutants free.

Some of the mutants looked around confused at what was happening. Riley few out to see if the guards were smart enough to catch on what was happening. They were coming.

I went into the cell room and got everybody attention. "Quickly!" I yelled. "This way!" I started making paths through the walls with my scream, as the mutants following me. Once we came towards the exit, I made a final scream to break the wall and I told the mutants to hurry out.

Some MRD men were behind us, I started shooting at them. Good thing I have hawk-like vision, makes it easier to aim my guns. All the mutants were out and I smirked, as the guard who was talking to me before tried to shoot me. My bullet proof vest, stopped the bullets from hitting me, then I stabbed the guy in the shoulder.

Riley brought me some paper from the MRD house. I wrote:

"You can't fight us, and I won't back down until I see all the mutants free." - Talon the Freedom Fighter.

I stabbed the note on the guy's shoulders with the dagger and left it there. I looked back at the MRD house. I grinned. "Another hell on earth shut down. Alot more to go." I flew away with Riley.

{Third Person POV}

Breaking News: An MRD house of mutants came crashing down today, by a mutant by the name of Talon, which he or she calls him or herself. It is unknown who this "Talon" person is, but General Moss, and Officer Ben, both have their suspensions about who it is. Which is a young high school girl by the name of Sasha Miles, reported a mutant a few weeks ago. Is this Talon person a Freedom Fighter for the mutants? Or another Mutant Terrorist for the humans? Stay tuned.

In Genosha, Magneto watched the news cast, all ears. Pyro was by his side, chuckling. "It's totally Sasha, she'll the only mutant who could do that much damage, with that powerful scream too. She has learned from when I first met her."

Magneto looked at Pyro, then looked back at the news cast. He nodded, as the mutants by the name of Scanner, stopped the image of the news cast and walked away. Magneto looked back at Pyro. "That one mutant brought down a whole MRD house without breaking a sweat and did it fast, and a meaningful way. Something my son's Brotherhood didn't even do correctly."

Pyro nodded. "She's a keeper ain't she, but she's not quite fund of people. And she loves that little falcon of hers."

Magneto nodded. "Let's see how big her little Talon Freedom Fight will go on, then I will decide. Now you are dismissed." Pyro nodded and walked away.

In the destroyed MRD house, Ben had his hands on the note Sasha had written. He studied it carefully. He then grinned. "You know what, if you want to play games, Sasha, I can play too. But it's not just you who is going to suffer..." Ben walked over to General Moss. "Have you gotten the photo of the girl I sent you?" he asked and Moss nodded.

"Indeed, and I must say, I am impressed with this plan Ben." Ben nodded. "Thank you sir." Moss walked away as Ben reloaded his gun. "You bring down our house, spill blood, steal our things. Oh, we can play dirty too, Dear Sasha. And we will. This will be an example." Ben grinned as he looked at a photo of a girl with orange and red hair and green eyes.

And other the photo, was the name Lily.

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