Chapter 1

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Picture of Sasha Miles in the media.

"Come on come on..." I whispered to myself, trying to cut my nails. My nails looked like talons from an eagle, able to tear able a human skull. My nail clipper broke. "Damn it!" I yelled and threw it on the floor. I threw myself on my bed, noting knowing what to do. Then, I walked over to my drawer and got a scissor.

"Come on, work you piece of junk." I whispered to myself as I tried to cut my "talons" with the scissors. Didn't work. "Damn it damn it damn it!!" I threw my scissor back in the drawer. I could hear my mom walking to the door. I quickly threw myself on the bed, hiding my hands under my pillow. My mom came in my room.

"Sasha, sweetie time for school." she said. I pretended I still wanted to sleep. "Come on Sasha."

"Fine whatever mom." I said rolling my eyes.

"And breakfeast is already ready." she then exited my room. I sighed and looked at my hands. I got up, got dressed with my hoodie and leather gloves on. I went downstairs, had my pancakes then I walked myself to school. With Riley, the bald eagle, flying above me. Riley was my best friend ever since I was 12, when I first learned that I could read a bird's mind. I could even link minds with a bird, so I could see what they see.

I would want to link minds to Riley right now but, that would make my eyes turn into a glowing yellow eagle eye and people around be would notice. As I got to school, Riley waited for me to get out of school on the school roof. I mentally said bye to him as I entered my school.

As I was going to my locker, I was greeted by Ben, my boyfriend. "Can you believe it Sasha?" he said holding up a newspaper.

"Well hello to you to Ben." I rolled my eyes. Ben ignored me and continued on. "In case you can't read, the title says: MRD now taking volunteers! This is my chance Sasha! I could be the best officer there! Better then Moss!"

Kelly and Moss were Ben's "heroes". I know it doesn't make sense a mutant dating a guy who hates mutants. Well we dated before he got this anti-mutant personality, I've been giving him chances.

"Do you seriously think you can make it?" I opened my locked and grabbed my books. Ben laughed then rolled his eyes. "Of course I can."

I chuckled and then the bell rung and Ben walked me to class and we sat down together. The teacher, Ms. Mason came in.

"Alright students we got a new rules around here. No hoodies, or gloves allowed in class." My eyes widen. No.... this couldn't be happening. A lot of the students took off their hoodies. And some took off their fingerless gloves. The teacher looked at me.

"Ms. Miles, you know what to do."

I sighed. Shit. I first took off my hoodie, hoping my wings would stay in place. Then I took off my gloves and quickly put my hands in my pockets. Ben stared at me weird.

"Ok class so..." Suddenly, of course, my wings spread. They knocked out some of my classmates behind me. Ben gasped, getting out his phone. The teacher walked back. "Mutant...."

Ben, of course, called the MRD on me. I ran out of the class room, and out of the school, then I started flying, I could handle to fly too high so I fly about 5 feet off the ground. People in the streets stared at me. I flew as fast as I could away from the school, Riley flying above me.

Then, of course by my luck, the MRD truck was in front of me. There were two of them, pointing their guns at me. I turned around but one of them shot my wing and I fell. They cuffed me and threw me in the truck. I growled at them.

"Trust me that's not gonna help." he a man with blonde hair and an Australian accent to me.

"And who are you." I narrowed my eyes.

"John. But I like to call myself Pyro."

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