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"Don't listen to him,Taeyong."Jaehyun said and gave Taeyong a cup of Tea.

Taeyong smiled and thanked Jaehyun.

"So,I don't think you sould work either."Jaehyun said.

"S-Sir!I can work!"Taeyong quickly said.

"With that leg of yours?Look,I let you live with me so just listen to me."Jaehyun wanted to sound kind but his usual bitchy cold side just appears automaticlly.

"Then at least let me do anything household related."Taeyong should be used to his cold side but he still got a bit startled.

Jaehyun realized the facial expression from Taeyong that screams"I'm scared,someone let me out.".He coughed awkwardly and leaned his upper body forwards and his arms on the thights.

"Then how about you make three meals everyday for Jaemin?I mean eating out everytime isnt really healthy for a kid."


"I'm here a teenager already,but I would love to eat Hyungs food~!"Jaemin changed his voice real quick when he talks about Taeyong.

"Kid is a kid.So?How do you think?I will ask the cleaning lady to buy the gorceries twice a week since she will be only comming for two days to clean."

"I will definitly do it!"Taeyong mood came up and smiled happily.

Jaehyun just looked at him not knowing how to react at this cute person in front of him.He shook the thoughts off quickly and stood up.

"Well then.Let me guide you to the guest room,you will be staying there for the time being."Jaehyun walked towards the stairs quickly.

But then he realized theres someone with a broken leg.

Taeyong was struggeling to walk straight.Jaemin wanted to help but he is still to weak to hold a adult size body.Jaehyun didnt think they needed his help since he trusted Jaemin,but as soon he thought they fell off the floor.He started to think this wont help Taeyong to heal up if he has to walk stairs everyday.

But only his bedroom is on the groundfloor.

"DAADDDD!!HELLPP!WHY YOU STANDING THERE??"Jaemin got squished by Taeyongs heavy body.

Jaehyun woke up from his thoughts and walked towards them.

"Walking up the stairs might be for you to hard for now.Sleep in my room instead for time being.I will sleep in the guest room."Jaehyun said and helped Taeyong to get up.

"N-No,its ok.I mean I cant just use your room like that."

"Are you still gonna backmouthing me?"

"But- Woah!"Jaehyun easily picked Taeyong up in a bridial style and walked towards his room.Taeyong quickly grabbed Jaehyuns neck because of the sudden lift.

"Jaemin,go get the bag in my car.Theres Taeyongs medicine to change."Jaehyun commanded and Jaemin went out.

Jaehyun brought Taeyong into his room and layed him down on the bed.

"I have to go to the office tomorrow.Jaemin has detention from school so you can make breakfast for him.If you don't have questions,then goodnight."Jaehyun patted Taeyongs head and closed the door.

"He patted my head...."Taeyong blundly said and touched his hair.

A couple minutes later,Taeyong was doing his office paper work that he didnt finish on the laptop he borrowed from Jaemin.

He was way to concentrated that he didnt realize Jaehyun came in.Tapping on the laptop keys lightly,a hand suddenly closed the laptop making him jump scare.

He looked up and saw a half naked Boss standing in front him with a bit water dripping down to his face.

"I said rest."He said.


"Bathroom is empty,go shower."Jaehyun took the laptop and placed it upstairs back to Jaemins room.

Taeyong just did what he is told to and went to the shower.He stood under the shower head blankly staring at the red and black wall,water running all over him.

"Taeyong,Taeyong.....Are you seriously in love like a teenage girl?"

Taeyong closed his eyes and shook away his stupid thoughts.He kept telling himself its just him being too sensitive.

He had a relationship trauma back in his teenage area.He knew its just because it was his very first realationship and he is just being to sensitive about it.But he just cant get out of that trauma and is scared to be in a dangerous relationship again,or easily said being in love overall again.

He clowed the running water and got out from the bathtub.He took the towel and dried his body.Taeyong placed back the towel and wants to put his clothes on not even looking where it is just using his hands to search.But somehow he just cant find his clothes,he turned his head to look where it is but it was nowhere to be found.Then he realized he didnt take his clothes with him.


He slowly opened the door to see if Jaehyun is still around.Forunatley no one was in the room.He quickly used a towel to cover his bottom.

With his broken leg he was really slow at everything,looking around where the underwear is or walking to the big ass closet.

At last he finally found a set of clothes that fits him.Just when he was about to wear the underwear someone opened the door.He got a jumpscare and quickly bend down behind the bed,he doesnt even know why he is bending down.

Of course its was no other than Jaehyun that went into the room since no one except Jaemin and Jaehyun are in this big house.

Jaehyun looked towards the bathroom and knew Taeyong is done with showering,but he cant see the person.He looked one more time around the room and saw a small piece black towel looking out behind the bed.

He slowly walked towards the bed and saw Taeyong trying to wear the pants he just took out from the closet.And yes,he somehow successfully wore the underwearjust before Jaehyun came in.

"What are you doing?"Jaehyun asked curiously.

"Uhm,wearing clothes....?"Taeyong smiled sliely.

"While sitting or something?"Jaehyun continued to tease.

Jaehyun finally chuckled at least and picked Taeyong up.Taeyong just shyly covered his body with the pants.Jaehyun smiled lightly and slowly took the pants and placed it on the bed.He slowly leaned more over to Taeyong.Taeyong eyes widened and walked back a bit but got hit on the corner of the bed and fell on it.Jaehyun didnt stop leaning towards him and placed his both hands on the bed.

Their nose almost touched.

Taeyong almost stopped breathing.

Jaehyun looked deep into his eyes for a while and placed a kiss on the scar near his eyes.

"Beautiful scar you have there."Jaehyun winked at him still very close to his face and stopped teasing him.

"Wear your clothes and come out,Jaemin wants to give you something."Jaehyun smiled warmly and went out.

Taeyong watched him going out,next second when the doors closed he put his fingers on the scar he has on the eyes.

"Maybe trusting one more wont hurt me.....right?"He said to himself and wore the clothes quickly and opened the door.

Jaehyun waited him outside because he knows Taeyong will have trouble walking.

With his help Taeyong walked to the living room easily without hurt his leg.

He looked up and saw a "Welcome my favorite hyung,Taeyong." board on the wall.

"Jaemin wanted to show his love to you and wanted make a welcome party for you.Hope you like it?"Jaehyun helped Taeyong to the chair.

Taeyong sat down with a "Thank you" and looked around the living room.

He felt touched.

Promise ▪ JaeYong [Editing]Where stories live. Discover now