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Jaehyun got shocked from the high pitched voice next to him.He wanted to curse at him for being to loud but got cut off by another scream.

"Why the fuck are you here?"

"T-Ten?!"Taeyong quickly got up and closed his shirt that was exposing too much skin.

He still haven't realized Jaehyun next to Ten.

"Taeyong,why are you doing my photoshoot?!"Ten still not believing what is happening gapsed in horror.

"Ten,nice timing tell them that they have mistaken me to you!Please!"Taeyong shook Tens shoulder agressivly.

"O-Oooook,stop shaking mmmeeeee."

"What the hell?"Taeyong heard a familiar voice and searched for it.His eyes widened when he realized his boss was next to him.

"S-Sir,it's not like that what you think!"

"That's your boss?Wow,he looks hot."Ten faces Jaehyun and gave him a wink.

"Oh my god,Ten!Stop hitting on every person that you find attractive!I am so sorry,sir!"Taeyong slapped Tens shoulder and quickly bowed at Jaehyun.

Jaehyun actually wasnt listening to them but was starring at Taeyongs body.He never really found Taeyong attractive in a sexual way but more like in a cute way.He got so lost in his thoughs until Taeyong waved at him in front of his face.


"Did you know that I was searching for you for hours?Is this how you work?"Jaehyun said with a fake angry tone but still sounds very angry.

"I'm sorry...."

"Go change and follow me."Jaehyun was about to leave but got stopped by Ten.

"Excuse me?Is this how you talk to your empoylees?"Ten thought Taeyong was just joking about his boss being rude towards people but he took that back after what he saw just now.

Taeyong looked worried when Ten talked back to Jaehyun.He grabbed Ten's arm and shook it lightly telling him to apologize to Jaehyun.

Of course,Ten didn't give a fuck.

"No,you don't tell me to say sorry to that kind of person."

"Ten...was it?You follow me too."Jaehyun left the room and Taeyong wanted to die already.

"How can you be so disrespectful to Jaehyun!I'll be so done later...oh my god!"Taeyong grabbed his hair and screamed in horror.

Ten just rolled his eyes and grabbed Taeyong to meet up his boss outside since he is still not happy what just happened.

They sat down in a cafe next to the entertaiment,Jaehyun sitting across Taeyong and Ten.Both Jaehyun and Ten had their arms crossed against their chest while glaring at each other deadly.Taeyong who looked like a sad puppy sat there with his head down.

He gave up stopping Ten since he knows if his friend sees him in danger or in a bad situation he won't give up until he gets back what he wants.

Jaehyun was the first one to break the intense athmosphere by drinking a bit of his coffee.

"So,what's your relationship with Taeyong?"

"Why do I have to tell you that?"Ten continued to glare at Jaehyun but he just laughed it off.

"Interesting character you have there."

"I know,thanks."

"Taeyong,why are you stilk wearing that?"Jaehyun pointed at his shirt.

"S-Sir,I didn't have time to change."

"Taeyong,I'm not angry at you but curious why you are taking a photoshoot.The meeting went sucessful so I'm happy.Tell me."Jaehyun loosen his crossed arm and tried to sound as kind as possible.

He was really not angry at him but shocked that he could look that attractive.

"I was dragged by a guy into the dressing room and I tried to talk to him but he ignored me.And yeah...."Taeyong scratched his neck and laughed.

"But you could totally do that again.It suits you so much."Ten who just calmed down turned curious too what Jaehyun asked.

"That's a good idea.Because I made a deal with your boss that I will let him see our model first and then talking about the project we wanted to make."Jaehyun turned to Ten and said.

"What?!No!Jaehyun?I'm just a office worker I don't know anything about modeling."

"Sounds good."Ten ignored Taeyongs nagging.


"You have a attractive face so why not?It makes everything easier since I still have to find a model for this.I think you could be a perfect fit to it."Jaehyun said.

"I-I'm attractive?"Taeyong pointed at himself and the other 2 nodded.

"How about this,you just keep babysitting my son but your secretaty job only applies when I need to go to meetings?Meanwhile where you got the free time go practice some modeling."

"You have a son?You're married?"Ten screamed when he heard that he had a son.

"Yeah,I have one and no I am not married.Taeyong,hows the deal?It's only for this one shooting then it wont have anything to do with you anymore."

Taeyong looked at Ten and looked back at Jaehyun.Not like he can refuse anything from his boss.He sighed heavily and covered his face.

"You know I cant refuse...I will do it..."


Meanwhile Tens phone rang and he picked it up.After the call Ten looked at Taeyong with sparkling eyes.

"Want to continue this shoot?"


"Aww thats sad but let me tell you.Your photos will be on the magazine."

"Oh my god....."

"It's a good sign,means you have a pontential to be a model."Jaehyun who suddenly joined the conversation got excited after hearing that the shooting crew liked him which is a very good sign for his new project.


"How about that,lets ask Jaemin."Jaehyun took out his phone and called him.

"Dad?That's unusual that you call me?"

"Well,because it's not about you."

"Wow,I am ending the call."

"It's about Taeyong."

"Ok,I am listening."

Jaehyun told Jaemin the whole situation.

"So?What do you think?"

"Sounds like a good idea."

"Jaemin?!Not you too!"Jaehyun putted his phone on the table with the loudspeaker on.

"Hyung looks good,so why not?And its not like you have to do it forever.Think about that you dont have to overwork anymore~"

"Jaemin."Jaehyun hissed at his sons last sentence.

"What?It's true!"

"I will deal with you later.Im hanging up."Jaehyun hung up the phone and smiled happily at Taeyong along with Ten.

"I can join you tho,I am really hard to get."Ten wiggled his brows which made Taeyong hit him on the shoulder.

"You better come with me!"

Taeyong pouted while leaning his back to the chair.Ten turned his head to Jaehyun with a smirk and took his hand out to make a high-five.Jaehyun smirked back and accepted the high-five.

Promise ▪ JaeYong [Editing]Where stories live. Discover now