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"Any news?"A woman sat down on a sofachair slipping on her tea.

"Yes,ma'am."A man placed some photos he has taken on the table.The woman put down her cup and looked at the photos with a smirk.

"Watch me ruin your life.That's what you get for ruining my daughters life."She laughed histerically.

"Good job,you're dissmissed."She then added and the man quietly left the room.

"So,how am I going to play with you little boy."She leaned back.


"Taeyong!Shooting is starting!"He heard the staffs calling so he quickly went towards the set.

As he sat down,Ten who was getting dressed up joined him on the set.Taeyong started pouting when Ten awkwardly sat down next to him knowing what his friend wants to say already.

"I'm sorry,okay."Ten rolled his eyes dramaticlly.

"You owe me a meal."Taeyong continues to pouted while glaring at him cutley.

"Fine,fine."Ten replied.

Jaehyun quietly sat down on a chair near the computers and slipped his cup of coffee.He was starring at Taeyong pouting at Ten which made him sigh.

"Cute."He said without noticing.

"I know right,he was the cutess yesterday."Johnny suddenly appeared next to him.

"If you mean that bitch over there,then no."Jaehyun eyed Ten.

"Oh dear,what did he do to have you glare at him like that.Trust me,he really is a cutie."Johnny chuckled but Jaehyun just rolled his eyes.

They both stayed silent when the shooting started.Jaehyun keep Taeyong with two reasons.
One is to see if he is good for this project and the other one is because he never saw Taeyong so attractive,not mention the kiss yesterday.It suddenly woke up his mind from loving again.

Actually only for Taeyong.

The shooting ended peacfully and everyone bit their goodbyes and left the studio.

Quickly they set up their first date to publish their first poject.Jaehyun and his team were really amused how it came out really well.

But only certain one was not happy at all.She angrily walked off the building and went home along with her underlings.Arriving at home she threw her bag and jacket angrily on the couch and screamed.She took a deep breathe after screaming and sat down on the couch.

"It's okay,it's okay."She keep claming herself.

"Ma'm,what are we going to do now?"

"Let me think."

"The publish date is the day after tomorrow,we don't have much time."

"I know,just let me think real quick."She yelled and bit her nails annoyed.

Suddenly an idea came into her mind and she smirked.

"I won't give up until I destroyed you,Jung Jaehyun."

"Call my secretary and give him this mail."She wrote down something on a paper along with some documents abd handed it to her underling.

She walked to the window slowly while having her arms crossed and looked out the window happily,having the best idea she ever had.

"Taeyong we should leave today the press conference is set already."Jaehyun said and quickly pushed Taeyong into his room to pack his belongings.

Johnny and Ten were already done and went downstairs first.

Jaehyun and the others though everything goes perfectly but little did he know it's not going to happen smoothly.


"Taeyong,wake yo ass up!"Ten yelled from downstairs.

Taeyong stayed at his friends house for 2 days because Ten just couldn't let go back to his house at midnight.Taeyong didn't even bother and agreed to it.

He rubbed his eyes and sat up but fell on the bed again because he was not ready to wake up at all.

"Hnnngg~~~~~Why do I have to wake uppppp."He aked to himself but he got a reply from downstairs.

"Well,because the press conference is freaking today!"His friend shouted.

"Oh right...Never though I will be modeling for such a huge project."He had his head stuffed into the pillow.

"Well,I did never think that I would get a CEO as a boyfriend....."Ten stabbed the soup he made with a cooking spoon blankly.

Taeyong suddenly lift his head up and ran downstairs.

"WHO!"He grabbed Tens' shoulder and turned him around.

"He was such a sweetie."Ten bit on the cooking spoon and giggled like a idiot.

Taeyong tried to catch up what Tens telling him.Suddenly his eyes widned when he though of someone.

"Don't tell me....."

"Yeah....he said he has a son,though.But he is single currently.I can't wait to see his son,hope he accept me."Ten shook his shoulder left and right cutely still giggling like idiot.

"Go dress up I put the suit on the chair already.We need to leave in 1 hour."Ten said and pushed the still shocked boy away.

After 50 minutes they both got ready and left the house.Jaehyun told them to meet up at a cafè and then going to the building togheter.

Soon the press conference starts and they sat down on the chairs at the front.

"Hello,this is XxxX.We are very happy to share our first big project with XxX company."Jaehyun started and more camera flashlights were on him.

The event started very smoothly and Jaehyun was very satisfied.Surprisingly Taeyong was calm enough to answer the reporters questions.
After the press they moved to a reception.

Taeyong was left alone in a corner with some foods while Jaehyun went to greet the people.He was getting bored when the event went a bit too long for his liking.He started to look around with his eyes to catch some interesting things which he really did.

He saw the business partners wife standing outside with some bodyguards.She was kinda pissed somehow in his eyes but he found it funny how the bodyguards are scared in front of her.

"Did you bring the data?"She asked impatiently.

"I-It's on the way Ma'm."

"What?!I asked for it since morning and its still not here?Is this how you work?"She glared at the bodyguards.

"The video needed an after editing,I'm sorry."They bowed very deep.

"Tch,useless.I'm waiting at the back."

Promise ▪ JaeYong [Editing]Where stories live. Discover now