Red Robin Pt. 2

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I decided I might just make this into a one-shot book, with the Bat brothers and YJ, but I will continue to make the chapters crossover. I've changed a lot of this book, so make sure to read it again. These might be kinda short, but I think Red Hood will be the shortest, then Red Robin, then Red X (Damian). I might also include the Batgirls, except Barbara as Batgirl, Steph as Spoiler, and Cass as Black Bat. I'm still deciding, though...tell me what you think!

Italics is the Mind-link

The team knew Batman had four different proteges; the First Robin, who was killed in an explosion after being beaten by the Joker, the Second Robin, now Red Robin,  the Third Robin, now Red X, and their current Robin. After getting visited by the Red Hood, the team thought they couldn't get anymore surprised. Then, to see Robin laughing with Red Robin and Batman not looking as grumpy as usual? They thought they saw everything.

After getting over their shock, they walked over to Batman for their mission. 

"Team, you will be on a covert mission in a warehouse we discovered was the place for a trade between two of Gotham's top gangs, dealing Blockbuster-Venom. Your mission is to find out the supplier of the Venom and destroy the remains of it. Red Robin will be your back-up, as the gangs aren't known as the top gangs in Gotham for a reason, and since he has been there the longest."

Robin looks delighted to be able to spend time with his big brother, even if it IS just one mission. Kid Flash looks surprised, Artemis looks a little upset, considering she lives in Gotham, M'gann looks excited to work with another protege of Batman, Superboy looks indifferent, while Aqualad is grateful to having someone who knows Gotham since he came from Atlantis and didn't know much about Gotham.

They left on the Bio-ship, and they included Red Robin in the Mind-link.

"So, Red Robin, what have you been doing lately?"  

"Well, Baby Bird, after I left the Teen Titans, I've been working with B since Red X joined after an...accident and you joined this team. After the huge Arkham breakout a couple of weeks ago, Bats and I have been quite busy." Red Robin replied.

"If you would excuse me, what are your abilities, Red Robin?" Kaldur asked.

"I have no powers if that's what your asking, Kaldur. However, I am trained the same as Robin but I am using a bo staff instead of eskrima sticks. I also am a better hacker than Rob here, considering I'm the one who taught him how to hack. And, obviously, I've had more experience than Robin in the field."

The team was surprised. It was Red Robin who taught Robin how to hack? And not Batman? A couple minutes after their surprise wore off, Miss Martian announced, "We've arrived at the drop zone."

The team prepared for the drop, and this time, Superboy took the line. They all jumped onto the top of a building, and all dusted themselves off. They followed Robin to the warehouse, which was a couple minutes away from their drop site. Once they got there, Miss Martian went into camoflague mode and flew into the warehouse, while the rest of the team stayed hidden in some bushes outside of the warehouse. Miss Martian sent them what she was seeing inside the warehouse through the mind link.

There were two groups of men, but the thing was, one of them had leather jackets on with a red helmet on the backs. It was Red Hood's gang! 

Robin contacted Batman. "Bats, was Red Hood supposed to be here? His gang is the one that looks like they were the buyers!" 

"Yes Robin, Red Hood is using his gang and set up the meeting so we could find out the suppliers and, hopefully, take them out. Batman out."

Robin sighs and looks at the team and Double R. "Well, Bats said he got Red Hood to set up the meeting so we could get information. However, since Red Hood is supposed to be a Gang leader and not supposed to be working with us, we need to treat him as such. Don't knock him out, but if you come up against him, fight. He won't actually hurt us."

They all nod.

"So, how many siblings DO you have Rob?"

"...I'm not telling! If you meet them, just count. I will tell you, though, the Bat-family is pretty big."

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