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Ah, home sweet home! The boys all pushed their way into the dorm, so glad to be home again. It had been a long day of traveling. They scattered in different directions. Hoseok went directly to his room, threw himself onto his bed, and closed his eyes. After a few deep breaths, he sat up again. That's when he saw it...sitting on his dresser was the bracelet he'd given Rosalie. His heart sunk.


Hoseok grabbed up the bracelet and raced back out into the starless night. He drove as fast as he could to Rosalie's apartment, but he could see, even from the car, the windows were dark. He pounded on her door for several minutes, just in case though. Eventually, one of her neighbors came out to see what the ruckus was and told Hoseok that Rosalie hadn't been home for several days.

He didn't know how he made his way back home; he was certainly not paying attention to the road. He just didn't care anymore.

When he walked back into the dorm, Hoseok could hear laughing coming from the dining room, but he didn't want to be around the rest of the members right now. He decided to spend time alone in his room. Just as he turned toward the hallway, he heard a sound that caught his attention and he changed course.

Rosalie was laughing at Jin and his jokes while placing the last of the food dishes on the table, when the room went silent. She looked up and saw everyone was staring at something behind her. She had barely turned around when she was swept up in a tight hug.

"I thought you left me!"

"Why would you think that?" she asked. "I told you I'd be here!"

Hoseok raised his hand and Rosalie saw her bracelet dangling from his fingers. He slipped it back onto her wrist.

"I found your bracelet on my dresser and thought you left it there to say goodbye," he said.

Jimin asked, "Why didn't you just call her and ask her why it was there?"

"Didn't you see my stuff in your room?" Rosalie asked. "I've been staying here a couple days. I cleaned the house, did the laundry, changed everyone's bedding, and made dinner for tonight. I wanted everything to be nice when you got home. I just took off the bracelet when I took a shower."

Hoseok pulled her into another hug, "I'm so glad you're here. I missed you so much! Next time, you're going with us, even if I have to hide you in my carrier."

Rosalie pulled out of the hug and moved away from him. She told everyone to start eating. Hoseok quickly covered up the hurt look on his face. He realized things weren't going to go back to normal right away, but he resolved to mend his friendship with Rosalie. Even though she was right here, he still missed his best friend.

After dinner, Rosalie sent them all to their beds. She cleaned up the dishes and went to Hoseok's room. Both he and Jimin were asleep, so she quietly grabbed her things and went back to her own apartment.

The next day, Rosalie stayed home and worked on her drawings. She thought the boys would be tired from traveling, but apparently that doesn't happen with Bangtan boys. A rare day off is not for lazing around.

By noon, she had gotten several texts. Kookie wanted her to go to the arcade with the maknae line. Jin and Namjoon wanted to know if she wanted to go grocery shopping with them. Suga just wanted to say hi; he was already back to work in his studio. Rosalie thought it was strange the only one she didn't hear from was Hoseok.

Mid-afternoon, she heard a soft knock on her door. She knew all the guys were busy and Hoseok would normally just walk in. She was in a tricky area of her drawing, so she decided to ignore whoever was at her door.

Ten minutes later she received a text from Hoseok...

~Hoseok: where are you?~

~Rosalie: home. Y?~

~Hoseok: I've been here 10 minutes. you didn't answer~

Rosalie stepped out the front door and saw him sitting on the top step. She sat down beside him and leaned against the railing.

"What's up? What are you doing here?"

"Nothing really. I just thought we could talk things out, hopefully resolve things between us," he said. "Do you not want me here?"

"Of course I want you here. I didn't mean it that way. I just thought you would have things to do today. That's all."

He responded, "This is what I have to do today. Fix things with you. Can we talk about this now?"

Rosalie stood up and pulled him to his feet, "Come on in."

They moved inside the apartment. Rosalie sat down again at her computer. She asked him if he wanted a drink and motioned to him that he should sit at the table. Hoseok fixed his own drink and sat down.

"Give me fifteen more minutes to finish this bit. I can give you a book or you can watch TV," she told him.

He went to her bookcase and picked out a book.

"Did you ever finish the book we were reading?" he asked her.

"I thought I left it in your living room, but I can't find it now," she said. "So no, I never finished it. Did you? Was it good?"

"Yeah, it was good. I'll give you my copy so you can finish it."

Hoseok pretended to read the book, but he really watched Rosalie working. She was intensely concentrating on a tiny area, but every once in a while he would glance up and she would be looking at him. After about twenty minutes, she threw her tablet pen down in disgust.

"I hate fabric folds! I can't do this right now. I can't concentrate with you here."

She closed down her computer and was cleaning up her things.

"Do you want me to leave?" Hoseok asked.

Shaking her head, she said, "Of course not! Tell me about the tour."

"There's nothing to tell. Three weeks of venues and hotels. The worst three weeks of my life. Please tell me how to fix this, Rosie. I'm miserable," he grumbled.

"I don't know why you're miserable. I'm right here. We're fine. I don't even think we need to talk about it. You've apologized over and over. I've forgiven you. It's over and done with. As far as I'm concerned you're still my best friend."

"Then why didn't you stay with me last night?" he asked, not really believing her.

"Hobi, I don't live there. And you were already asleep anyway. Plus I needed to work today and I hadn't been home in days." she told him.

He sighed and nodded, "Ok. Jin wanted me to tell you to come over tonight for dinner and movie night."

Rosalie smiled, "Sounds great! You want to head over there now? I can help you unpack if you haven't already done it."

"Yeah, let's go."

Hoseok stood and pulled Rosalie out of her chair. He was finally starting to feel better about things. He kissed her forehead and pulled her close, resting his chin on top of her head. It took a few seconds, but eventually Rosalie wrapped her arms around his waist and gave him a squeeze.

Over the next couple of days, they re-established their regular routines. The boys spent long days working. At night, Rosalie would spend as much time as she could with Hoseok.

The night before the charity dinner, Jimin pulled Rosalie aside. He told her he would pick her up at 10:00 the next morning to take her to his stylist.

Sure that Jimin had figured it wrong, Rosalie asked, "10:00? Namjoon said we weren't leaving until 5:00."

"5:00? Maybe I better pick you up at 9:00 then."

Staring at him, positive he had lost his mind, Rosalie questioned him, "Jimin, are you telling me it's going to take eight hours to do my hair, slap on some makeup, and pull a dress over my head? That's ridiculous! This shouldn't take more than two hours tops."

He smirked, "Oh girl, you have no idea! Wash your hair tonight and be ready by nine."

best friends forever | jung hoseokTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon