ch 7

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The icy glare could be felt crawling up the spine of the poor greenette as he shivered. Too bad that Izuku was too busy drawing (name) to even care.

" So as you all know the sports festival is coming up and you all have 2 weeks to train. Well as part of her punishment Ms.(name) will be a trainer an-" Before Aizawa could even finish his sentence the female in question already shouted her words of protest.

" Ummmmm I say no. One flame brains wouldn't allow that and two I'm a villain... Training heroes isn't exactly my thing. " Now that the tired man could speak he smirked.

" You'll be staying with Kayama, Yamada and me so there will be no issue. You're a villain so you'll have more experience than I could ever imagine. You think like a villain which is something I can't teach the class." His smirk never faltered as he spoke.

'shit he's right' thought the female as she lays her head on the desk and groaned out in protest. ' not like anyone's' gonna sign up. They're all to sca-' her train of thought was cut off by a clear and low voice that broke through the tension that settled in the room.

" I'll be the first to sign up then," stated Todoroki as a smirk crawled its way on his face.

"Y-yea m-me too" Stuttered out the shy voice of the male next to (name).

"Well if shitty Deku is going then sign me up!" shouted the egotistical dog that sat on the other side of the classroom.

"Hell yeah! Learning from a villain would be so manly!" shouted an enthusiastic voice that belongs to the human rock. Soon enough everyone began to chant in joy as the villain herself fell silent. She was contemplating whether she should kill herself, Aizawa or the class. Either way, she was stuck teaching a class of wanna-be heroes. Time seemed to tick by as the female began to become more irritated and soon enough the bell rang. Lunchtime had finally arrived and it was time for the sweet relief of a cigarette. As she walked to the front of the school students of all kind scurried away. Word had spread quickly on who she was and soon no one dared to go near her.

"Get out of here you villain!" shouted a bystander as a piece of bread was thrown at the girl.

"Yeah, you don't belong here!"

"You don't belong here~"                                                      "Get out of here!"

"Get out of here she's who's daughter!"

"Leave our school you villain!"

"Leave me and the 'heroes' daughter for a while~ I've got some plans for her~"

words began to blur together as the demon began to get withdraws and visions.

"You call yourselves heroes?" Was the one question she asked. " With how poorly mannered you all are it's hard not to mistake you all for bidding men in a dog fight. I mean look at you all! Throwing food like some sort of peasant watching a terrible show! You heathens aren't even close to being heroes. Ingenium was a hero I was close to and he said 'whether villain or hero we each deserve a fair round in life' and you've shown that you'll push judgment on whoever you deem unworthy of mercy!" At the name of the certain hero, Iida perked up.

'she knew my older brother?' He thought as he watched the fleeting form of the girl. Her words made everyone stop as they stood in shock. Not only was she a villain, but she was also friends with a hero. As she walked out of the school building Iida was chasing after her. She brought out her pack of cancer sticks and lit one on fire and inhaled the toxic chemicals. Iida came running to the sight as fast as his engines would take him. Her lungs filled with a burning sensation as they cried out for fresh air. Iida saw this as a chance to lecture her but before he could Numire walked up to the young female.

"So I see you picked up your father's old habits? Or was it from me?" The older female let out a smooth and whimsical chuckle. The girl in question was not amused and completely ignored the question.

"What do you want Midnight?" Her tone appeared cold but a slight ting of pain rested in the sea of hatefulness.

" Hey, come on now! What happened to moon-chan? "Midnight's voice had dropped its seductive tone and turned to one filled with anxiety and worry. She was trembly slightly from how broken her relationship was with her niece. It was if a bridge had broken between the two and now the ashes of the bridge were all that's left. (Name) stood on her own floating island and she was floating closer and closer to the dark void of hell while she floated towards the grasslands. Midnight reached out her hands to try and catch the female before her island floated too far away but it was too late.

" You really want me to go back to such a childish name? I'd rather call you by your hero name. It's what everyone else knows you by so why am I different?" Spat the child as she took another hit of her cigarette. The venomous fumes spewing from her lips in dark grey clouds.

" Look (name) I'm trying. I really am. I wanna be there for you! Please tell me what I can do for you!" Midnight fell to her knees as if begging the young female for forgiveness.

" I don't know what makes you think I'll forgive you so easily but I won't. You guys gave up on me and said that I had died! You know how much of an impact that had on me! You promised... And you didn't pull through with it" The younger female smoked the last bit of her cigarette before heading back to her class.

This new break of emotion was too much.

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