Ch 4

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(Midnights pov) 
Once the doctor was finished checking (name) for any serious injuries she was free to go. Of course, she wasn't entirely free considering I still had to take her to see Nezu but still. We had finally made it to Nezu's office when the blonde started to get on edge. She seemed to have frozen in her spot but I didn't know if it was fear or guilt. She was always close to us so this could have brought back memories. Sighing I knocked on the door and entered when I heard a light 'come in.' Well turns out Nezu wasn't the only person there. News had gone around that (name) had been returned and I guess they wanted to see her again. The room had Kan, Recovery girl, Yamada, Nezu ( of course), and surprisingly Endeavor and his son Shoto. The room fell silent as the blondes cold graze met everyone. 

" Angel-chan! we've all-" Recovery Girl was cut short by (name).

" I would appreciate if you called me (Name) Shigaraki, thank you. I despise that nickname and if you were to call me anything it would be demon-san. That's the nickname I've had for 10 years and would like to keep it that way." she stated in a monotone voice as her eyes dulled. I coughed to get the attention off of names and such. Seeing Recovery Girl like that was heart-breaking.

"Since when was it Shigaraki?" Asked Shoto as he stood up. The girl tensed at this.

" Since I was 8 years old. I was being sold at an auction along with a few other children. All for One won the betting and my quirk had finally developed. Its called angel and that night I was given the name crimson wings." She stated as if it were obvious. 

" and why is that?" Asked Endeavor with a scowl.

" Because I murdered everyone there and that includes the other children~" She stated with a smug look on her face. The shock had taken hold of us as Shoto stepped towards her.

" You. Did. What." He stated with venom.

" They annoyed me far too much. They kept crying out their favorite hero names ' Endeavor help', ' All Might save us', ' Hawk please save us', ' thirteen please save us' and many more annoying phrases. I Told them no one was coming and they didn't believe me. Now they're somewhere else." She stated as she took a step forward. " You got a problem with that?" She said as Shoto growled.

" Enough! We came here to discuss ( Names) verdict, not her name." Sated Kan as Nezu walked up to the child. 

" (name) if give us the information then we can-" He was cut off when the blonde groaned.

" I realize my crimes are serious and that I most likely have the death penalty, but that's fine. You can kill me for all I care cause I am not turning my back on my father and brother." She stated coldly as we froze.

" Those villains aren't even blood related to you and you consider them your family! If that's so then you're nothing but villain trash." Stated Endeavor.

" Shoto is related to you but I don't consider him a flaming pile of shit that can talk." She stated back as some of us stood shocked. She giggled at this and sat down on the floor. 

"(name) please, what happened to you?" Asked Nezu as he hugged the girl. She stiffened and Nezu sighed letting the girl of her only to pat her shoulder. His eyes trailed over her scars until it stopped at her arm. There was a faint scar in the shape of the word 'useless'. 

" Nothing happened. I just woke up from a dream where promises are kept, fathers love their children, heroes always save the day and pain didn't exist. A dream where rape, torture, villains, cruelty, and pain weren't real. Simple put that my blind eye can see now and it shows the truth behind everything." She stated coldly. "I found out friendship doesn't last, Blood means nothing, age and consent are a thing of the past, beating the innocent is a thing, and there is no good or bad.  Currently, this is kidnapping unless I'm being put in jail. You don't have my families consent for me to be here and you should at least call them to make sure they know where I am." She said bored and that was the breaking point. Nezu was shaking as tears streamed down his face. He cleared his throat and excused himself. I looked to see if the girl next to me was okay but nothing changed. She held no emotion at all. 

"Don't you think that was too far?" I asked breaking the silence.

" don't you think that you didn't go far enough? I stopped screaming for help when I was 7 years old. I tried calling out for you guys and found out no matter how loud I screamed your names no one was going to save me. That's why I killed the kids. they were still innocent enough to scream for you pathetic heroes cause you promised to find them and to come running to save the day. Innocence is a gift that can easily be stolen and so I stole their lives instead. That way they'd stay innocent as long as possible. I wish someone had killed me the first time I started screaming." She stated calmly. She sounded as if this was an everyday thing she did. " That's why I'm a villain; We aren't afraid to keep promises and we fix what the heroes couldn't. They filled the space that was left by All Might and I owe my life to them. If it weren't for them I would've killed myself before anyone could rescue me." She stated glancing at everyone in the room with cold eyes.

" The Villains are my family and always will be"

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