Ch 5

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(your villain outfit is that and so is your hair only blonde)

(your pov)
The heroes had decided it was time for me to have living arrangments and considering that I will be a student -and we are in the same and share history- they thought it would be best if I stayed with the Todoroki's. Yes, because putting me in the same place as the person I called a 'flaming pile of shit' is always the best idea. sighing I walked around the house with Shoto as to get familiar with the place we once played at. 

" You were lying, weren't you. " He stated as we finally got to the center of this entire building. It was a sand garden with a walkway to the middle and a bench to sit on.

" Yup! What gave me away?" I asked sitting down.

" You wouldn't kill children. Sure you would kill everyone else there but not children. You would prove a statement by showing that villains can be better than heroes. When we were younger you always said you felt sorry for the villains because it wasn't their choice to become evil; They were just pushed into the darkness and they soon consumed it all just to snuff out the light." He stated as I smile.

" I'm surprised by how well you remember so much from when we were 4." I stated. " you were always so happy to be able to play with me and it was kinda sad." I stated as we sat on the bench.

" why?" he asked.

" Hm? Why what?" I asked as he suddenly engulfed me in a hug. His body was shaking and his grip was tight. Shock filled my body as I froze. " S-Shoto w-" he cut my sentence off.

"Why'd you become a villain! You didn't have to become evil! You aren't like them and I know it!" He shouted as I sighed.

"Villains aren't always evil, but when push comes to shove I can be as ruthless as a villain," I stated as I patting his head. I smirked a little as I held him closer and ran my fingers through his soft hair. " but don't worry because I won't be leaving you anytime soon. I can be with you as long as you want but you have to do something for me in return~" I smirked as I knew I had him wrapped tightly around my pinkie. I felt him nod as he looked at me with teary eyes.  When we were younger he would trust me with everything and rely on me for comfort. " All you have to do is be my little puppy! Just like before and I'll give you all my attention okay?" I said patting his head. When we were younger I called him my puppy because he would follow me through anything. Nothing seems to have changed as he nods. He hugged me once more as if I were gonna disappear into thin air.

" As long as I don't have to lose you again I'll be fine with anything." He said as he slowly laid down with his head in my lap. I smirked as I played with his hair.

"Anything for my childhood friend right?" I asked as he drifted to sleep in my lap. This worked out better than I thought.

~time skip~

Today Shoto and I walked to school together. He was leading me through the school while gripping onto my hand tightly. 

'he did miss me huh?' I asked myself as the door to class 1-A came into view.

" Okay Shoto-Kun its time for you to go to class," I stated as I pat his head. He kept a straight face and swatted my hand away 

" Yes it is and I would appreciate it if you didn't show any PDA here at school." He said as I shrugged going to the teacher's lounge. 

" So why am I here?" I asked startling most of the teachers there.

"We came to discuss your role in the Sports Festival this year." Stated Aizawa and I nod.

" Since we don't trust you to compete in it and to be alone you will be hanging out with me!" Said the excited voice of the Rated-R hero.  I shrugged.

" Better than hanging out with loud mouth over there," I stated. To be fair I always thought of Midnight as my Favorite female hero and it seems like a good time to 'bond'. Midnight looked happy that I didn't mind while loud mouth screamed from across the room.

"HEY, WHY SINCE WHEN AM I LOUD MOUTH!!!" Yamada shouted as I sighed. 

" for someone who's constantly screaming you have amazing hearing," I stated annoyed by the fact that he screamed.

"Tell me about it. I'm surprised he hasn't gone deaf." Stated Aizawa as I let out a chuckle and smirked. The others seemed to be delighted that I was showing some emotion

"Anyways, does that mean I'm going home with you on the day of the sports festival? Considering that Shoto might be doing something with that flaming trash that everyone knows as Endeavor or ' forever number 2' as we villains call him." I stated as the others chuckled lightly; Ignoring the villain part. 

" Sure! Aizawa and Yamada can come over if you want?" she asked hopefully as I shrugged.

" As long as banana hair over there keeps his mouth shut I'm fine with it. Maybe even tapping his mouth with work." I stated- while muttering the last part-shrugging as they all nod. Then it hit Yamada who I was referring to when I said 'banana hair.

"HEY, JUST CAUSE MY HAIR IS YELLOW AND IN THE SHAPE OF A BANANA DOESN'T MEAN I HAVE BANANA HAIR!!!!" I let a smirk slip onto my face as I raised a brow. 

" you literally described the outside of a banana. The only difference is I'd rather spend the day with a banana than an hour with you. " I stated smirking lightly.

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