Chapter 7

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Be prepared for ULTRA FLUFF! (And it may seem a little bit smutty but I swear I'm trying to make it clean XD!)

And just so you know, some parts of these ideas came from a story by @dOctOrwhOlocked221b, who writes AMAZING Doctor/Rose fics :D, and many, many other writers. So, if you're reading this and it seems like I copied you or someone else, I'm not, I'm just inspired!


Have fun ;)

*Rose's POV*

Wow. So...hmm. Taking a bath/swim/thing with the Doctor. Like I have, erm, fantasized... but let's not talk about my fantasies right now, since one of them was about to come true.

I put on a one piece suit. I didn't always wear one piece suits, but it just made me comfortable to wear one. I didn't feel uncomfortable with my body, it just made me feel good. Like sweatpants in the fall. And anyway, maybe for our first whatever-this-was, maybe it wouldn't be such a good idea to wear a skimpy bikini just yet.

And what a surprise- TARDIS blue. The Doctor would love that.

I walked to the bath/pool room, where the Doctor was sitting by with his feet in the pool. He looked up.

*The Doctor's POV*

I looked up to see Rose standing there, grinning. Within milliseconds, I was grinning too, like a schoolboy who has seen his crush, I thought.

Rose was wearing a blue- like the TARDIS!- one piece swimsuit, which I have to admit, looked adorable. Or hot, or adorably hot, or hotly adorable- wait, is hotly a word?- oh, now I'm just getting flustered. I was excited. And unexpectedly nervous. Come on, Doctor, you're a 900- something year old Time Lord. You've defeated enormous monsters and save planets from burning. You shouldn't be afraid of a little intimacy with your companion, the love of your life, Rose, Rose, Rosie, Rose, Rose-

I could not. Think. Right. And I wasn't so sure that it was just because of Rose in her swimsuit. I felt tired, but energetic; sick, almost, but so alive. I guess humans of Rose's time would call it feeling drunk. I hadn't been drunk in ages. I might have gotten drunk once, after the awful day on Bad Wolf Bay, but that's a tale for another day.

Anyway, I decided to forget about how I physically felt for the time being and just think of myself and Rose, together. A thought lurked in the back of my mind, whispering that we would not be together forever, that someday she'd grow old, but I immediately shunned the thought and pushed it deep down, hiddlen from my consciousness. I couldn't afford to think like that, now that I had just gotten her back. She was mine, and I was never going to let her go again.

Rose was still grinning as she walked towards me, and blushing profusely. She glanced everywhere but my face, but I couldn't take my eyes of her. So beautiful.

I stood up. "Hello." I said simply, still astonished by the woman standing before me.

"Hello." She said, looking at me sheepishly, giggling.

"Care for a swim?" I said awkwardly and happily.

"Sure." She replied. "But first, want to put some bubble bath in?"

"Ooh, yes!" I exclaimed. "As always, TARDIS blue, please."

"You and your TARDIS blue." She laughed as she poured the bubble bath in. "You and the TARDIS, inseperable even in the color spectrum."

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