The REAL Chapter 15

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Sorry for the long hiatius (though you guys have patiently survived longer before)!
Please bear with me in this chapter-- I'm having trouble figuring out what to do with this chapter, but hopefully it'll all work out.
Also, I just remembered that a few chapters ago Jack was in the TARDIS with the Doctor and Rose, and I forgot to explain where he went. For the sake of the story, I'm just going to say that he had to go back to Torchwood for a while.

Please enjoy! :)

"First of all, Mickey, how'd you get to this universe? I thought I had the only dimension cannon," Rose asked Mickey as they walked away from the control room. "And...why did you come back?"

"Shortly after you left, they came came from the center of the planets..." Mickey said seriously. "The Daleks.

"What? Oh my God..." Rose looked down shocked and concerned. "What were the planning on doing?"

"I don't know, the entire planet was in mass panic, so they decided to send some more people to find you and the Doctor until they figured something out themselves."

"Who else went?" Rose asked quietly.

"It was volunteer, and they needed people who had actually been to the parallel world-"

"Oh, no. Oh my God, Mum went, didn't she?" Rose started to panic.

Mickey nodded slowly. "She really worried you, Rose. She was losing sleep over you, she got really sick, everything."

"So you let her jump across a universe? Mickey, I needed you look after her!" Rose said angrily.

"You and I both know there's know stopping her," Mickey said quietly.

Rose sighed. "Guess that's true." She paused. "I-I can't do this all again. I was so happy being back with the Doctor, and now it's like I'm back in the other universe without him."

"I know Rose. But you've just got to keep strong and do the best you can. Alright?" Mickey opened his arms slightly for a hug, which Rose gratefully accepted with a nod.

"Where is Mum then?" Rose asked as she pulled away.

Mickey looked down guiltily, which frightened Rose.

"Mickey, where. Is. She?" Rose asked sternly.

He scratched the back of his neck then looked back up at Rose. Putting his hands up defensively in front of him, he spoke cautiously but quickly, "Now, we're almost positive she's okay, but-"

"But what?" Rose asked, a a sizzling mixture of fear, anxiety, dread, and definitely anger rising in her chest.

Mickey sighed and looked down again. "We don't know. She must've been thinking of something other than our planned destination when she started up the dimension thing, and-"

"You don't know?" Rose shouted with her mouth open in an angry 'O'. Rose scoffed. "So she could be dead on another planet for all we know! I told you to take care of her, Mickey!" Her last words came out as a sad whine, and Rose sat down on a nearby box with her face in her hands.

"I did take care of her! But she had to go and think of somewhere besides Torchwood! Anyways, she couldn't be on another planet because she hasn't even been to any other planets except for a few times. She wouldn't have thought about those," Mickey sat down next to Rose and looked at her face. "Look, I really did try to make her stay. But she just wouldn't, she needed to find you."

Rose nodded reluctantly and looked at the ground. "I know. I just wish she wouldn't have done that."

"I'm so sick of this dimension mess!" Rose interjected through clenched teeth as she stood and kicked a box.

Mickey moved close to her and out his arm around her comfortingly. "We'll find her. And the Doctor will fix the planets, right?"

Rose looked down with a furrowed brow, then nodded after a few seconds. "Yeah," she spoke quietly, "he will."


"You see, Doctor," Mr. Torchwood spoke, "twenty-seven planets, including Earth, are all disorderly gathered right outside our atmosphere. According to our lead scientists, they haven't moved to us, we--"

"You moved to them," The Doctor interupted as he gazed out the window at the darkness and the many planets within it. "But who could've done this? And how?" The Doctor turned around to face Martha and Torchwood. "I mean, it would've taken millennia to plan all of this, and they would've had to go everywhere across time and space to get these planets?"

"What we don't understand is this, Doctor: what do all of these planets have in common?" Martha asked.

"Good question, Martha," the Doctor said with a calm face. "That's something I've been wondering myself."

The Doctor plopped down into a black swivel chair nearby and started to spin himself. "We're there any signs leading up to this? Like, any strange occurrences that didn't make any sense?"

"Now that you mention it, there have been very many," Martha answered, picking up a thick binder from a desk. She opened it and flipped it until she got to a page she wanted. "Here it is. We have a list. Want to have a look?" She held it out to the Doctor, who nodded and took the binder from her.

He flipped open the binder to the first page. "Ah, yes. The upwards rain and the hospital on the moon. But," he looked up, "that was just a Shadow Proclamation's police hunt for a Plasmavore. She happened to be hiding on Earth, so the Proclamation had to-well, when I say 'had to'-they had to bring that hospital to the moon so they could isolate her. It's just a coincidence, really."

"Well Doctor, what about Dr. Lazarus' de-aging incident?" Mr. Torchwood asked.

The Doctor huffed an annoyed breath. "That was the Master, not part of this. He was out to get me, to test me. It's a. . . long story."

"How about the space- Titanic falling on London?" Torchwood asked.

The Doctor's brow furrowed. "That was nothing."

"Really, Doctor?" Martha sighed. "The Adipose? The Sontarans?"

"What? I don't. . . I don't remember any of that--"

"Doctor, so you see the connections here? All of these races have suddenly invade Earth, all within a few years. Don't you see that it isn't just a coincidence?" Torchwood urged.

"But, why haven't I known about them? Those other ones, the Adipose and the Sontarans?" The Doctor asked, confused.

"That's another strange thing," Martha put in. "Doctor, we think you might have created a paradox recently. . ."

"What? What do you mean?"

Martha and Torchwood glanced nervously at each other than back to the Doctor. "Rose Tyler is the paradox," Martha said.

Sorry guys, another cliffhanger. I thought I might as well update for you while we're at a good tense stopping point.
Sorry, I know. I'm evil.
Hope you're enjoying this, sorry for the cruddy chapter. Next one will be better.
Also, if you want to read another TenRose fanfic, go read "Paradoxes" by me. It kind of has the same idea as the last sentence of this chapter X)

Thanks for reading!

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