Chapter 4

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A nice looong chapter that I worked on all night. I hope you like it! I sure do. Will update again soon! Thanks :)

*Rose's POV*

This was it. Today was the day.

"Today" was the day I was going to reunite with the Doctor.

The Dimension Cannon. As the name states, it was designed to "shoot" a person or thing from one dimension to another. Very unhealthy, yes. Quite dangerous? Oh, yes. Could possibly rip a hole in the universe?


But it was worth every risk. I was going to tear time apart for him.

But Torchwood didn't just design the Dimension Cannon so I could find the Doctor. Something strange was happening to our world, and I could just tell that it would soon infect the entire universe.

And I, Rose Marion Tyler, had to get to the Doctor and warn him.
And I prayed that we would save the universe together-yet again.

As I drove to the relatively new U.N.I.T. and Torchwood combined base with my mum and dad, and Mickey, I wondered about what the day would bring. My heart was aching, my stomach in a knot, and so many questions and worries swirled in my head.

For one, I didn't want to leave my family or Mickey. They had helped me through so much since the Doctor left.
Mickey was surprisingly okay about the fact that I...loved the Doctor so much. He had moved on. This gave me great ease, because we could go back to being great friends, like we were as kids. He always made me smile over the past few years.
My mum was just, my mum! As she had been my whole life, she was and is the best mother I could ever ask for. She was the tough side of me after the Doctor had left. She kept saying that if he ever came back, she'd slap him. It hurt sometimes, to hear that, but her feistiness made me strong. And even though she's always threatened him, she loves him as a...son, I guess. Ha, if only the Doctor knew that! He'd run for his life. The Oncoming Storm scared of Jackie Tyler, my mum. Anyway, she was a big help too.
Then there's Pete, my now-step-dad-who-was-my-real-dad-in-another-universe. He got me in with U.N.I.T and Torchwood, and he was a dad to me like he'd been there all my life. He didn't know much about the Doctor, or me, at first, but as we got to know each other better, it was like we'd been together our whole lives.

I didn't want to leave any of them.

Then there were the worries about the Doctor. What if he had changed? Like, regenerated? Or worse, what if he moved on? If he didn't want me anymore, I'd first give him a slap worthy of my mum, and cry later. But "Of course he wouldn't have moved on, Rose! That man loved you, with his whole heart-er-hearts. I could see it. Don't worry about a thing, Rose.", my mum consoled when I told her my worries when the boys weren't around. I guess...

Before I knew it, I was inside the base. Getting ready and lectured about "Don't interfere too much," and "If you need to come back, press this button," and so on and so on. I couldn't help it. I was so lost in thoughts and worries.

I was in the center of the Cannon, which was like a big circle of mirrors directed at me. Even though they weren't mirrors, I still saw the state my hair was in and frantically tried to fix it. Can't reunite with the love of your life and look like a wreck.

"Are you ready?" The woman whose name I had quite forgotten, even though I knew she was a general and pretty important, asked.

"Yeah." I said uncertainly but readily. Still lost in thought.

"Okay, one final check. You have your phone which we programmed to be able to call back through dimensions to us?"


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