Chapter 29

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PREVIOUSLY ON Don't Ever Leave Me (which is now called The Storm and the Wolf):

"It's just that we...well, we are each other!" The man laughed. "Hello Doctor, I'm the Doctor!"

{ PLEASE NOTE: I know that this whole plot line has been long and tedious, but I should have a plan to wrap it up soon. I may end this story, or I might possibly just start something new within the same book. We'll cross that bridge when we get to it, I suppose.

Thanks for sticking with me, guys.

Enjoy :) }

WARNING: a (made-up) type of pills are discussed in this chapter briefly, just a heads up. 

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Rose, hearing this frankly insane information, just sighed loudly. "Honestly, I'm not that surprised. I think that so much has happened in the past few months that I'm immune to anything new."

The Doctor, on the other hand, was not taking it well. What can you expect from a man who just met his future self?

First, it was denial: "Not with that outfit," he mumbled to himself, glaring at the bow tie which was quite dorky, in his opinion.

He glanced down at the man's hand, who he held the the sonic screwdriver, which was definitely his own but bigger. "Compensating? Ugh. Not looking forward to that."

Then, it was anger. "What the hell are you doing here? I'm only here to fix all of this, and you—you should know better!"

The other Doctor just stood there, eyes wide and almost giggling at the reaction of his former self. He had already been through it, and it was funny to see from the outside. Made him cringe a bit to watch as well, but at least he didn't have the same face anymore. One of the few good things that came from regenerating.

"Right! Well, so many questions, so little time—isn't that always the case with us, Doctor?" He grinned, obviously amused at addressing himself by his own title. "First, we must get to the TARDIS. Then I'll try to clear everything up."

"Hold on a minute." Rose stepped in front of the other Doctor to stop him. "This house belongs to my mum and dad—where have they really gone? That's the reason we came here."

The other Doctor looked down at Rose. His eyes softened, and he seemed as if he was truly seeing her for the first time. "Oh Rose. I've missed you so," he said quietly. "I promise you, your parents are safe. Just come with me and I'll sort everything out."

The TARDIS was only a short walk's distance away from the Tyler home, but to Rose and the Doctor it felt incredibly long. Both of them had so many questions, each slightly different from each other but for one that was exactly the same. But, as it was a difficult thing to think about, they both decided to not dwell on it for the moment, and focus on the potentially world-ending matter at hand.

The Doctor took a deep breath before entering the other Doctor's TARDIS. It looked slightly different from the outside, and he had a feeling it would be very different on the inside. In the same way, Rose braced herself for an entirely new version of a ship she had gotten so familiar with. Neither of them were emotionally prepared for all of this change. It never seemed to stop coming, the change and the chaos.

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