Chapter 14

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*Outside POV*

Rose looked frantically to the Doctor, then back at Martha, and then she shook her head at the ground. "No. No. No, not yet! It can't happen yet! I'm not ready for that again!" She thought she was muttering to herself, but the Doctor could hear her fine. It sounded to him like she was going to cry, so he immediately rushed to comfort her. He pulled her aside.

"Rose?" He bent down a little to be eye to eye with her. He squeezed her hands together in his own. "It's going to be alright, Rose. We'll fix this." He wasn't so sure of himself, but he tried to make Rose think he was. The Doctor would rather lie to himself and her than see her in pain.

Rose sighed and shook her head, not looking at him. "No, Doctor. I've seen this. I told you it was coming, and we were to wrapped up in ourselves to worry about it in time." She finally looked him straight in the eye. "We can't." She pulled her hands away from him and turned to Martha, leaving the Doctor confused and upset, and maybe a little scared. He had never seen his Rose this sure that they couldn't stop something.

"Where's Mickey-I need to talk to him," Rose demanded nonchalantly.

"I think he's coming back now. I've sent him a message that you were here," Martha said obediently.

"Right. Good." Rose nodded at her, then went back to the Doctor, who was sitting in a chair at an empty desk. She pulled a chair over next to him, and he looked at her expectantly.

"I'm sorry," she said to him. "It's just-it was terrible last time. The stars were going out, and it seemed like the end of the world, and you weren't in that universe to help us. No one knew what to do without you." Rose had touched his hand resting on the desk while speaking, and he immediately turned it so it was resting in his palm. He was staring at the desk, not speaking. When she paused, he furrowed his eyebrows and nodded slightly, cueing her to go on. "So they called people who had experienced 'working' with you in, saying that they had combined Torchwood and UNIT, that they were building the ultimate team to figure out how to stop 'the end.' They actually called it 'the end', Doctor. It was terrifying." She sighed, and subconsciously began to play with the Doctor's fingers in her hand. "We tried to use telescopes to see what was happening to the stars, but they weren't strong enough to see how they were disappearing. They tried to call you, but I knew well enough from experience that it wouldn't work in that dimension." She glanced at his eyes and they lingered there for a moment, both of them reminiscing on how hard they'd tried to get back to each other. Looking down again, she continued. "Finally, they sent me. Set up another terrible dimension hopping system, and I could just hear you disagreeing with it!" She weakly laughed, and he smiled just the slightest. "That was when they were almost all out. The stars, I mean. They were almost done with it." She took a deep breath.

"And then the planets came," she said just above a whisper.

The Doctor looked up at her wildly. "Planets?" He whisper-exclaimed.

She nodded gravely. "First there was an enormous earthquake. Then it got so dark right after that, Doctor. It was morning, but the sky was so dark, as if it was midnight. Everyone one was more confused than scared at that point. And with no stars, it wasn't like there was anything to light Earth. And then these-these planets that we hadn't seen before just appeared in the sky! I think UNIT-Torchwood said there were about 27 planets! 27 unknown planets just showed up next to Earth, Doctor. That was when they sent me." She looked down, still holding the Doctor's hand, gripping it like she was gripping onto dear life now.

The Doctor sighed. He let go of her hand and put his hand gently on her back. "C'mere." She let herself into his embrace. He rubbed her back softly and whispered next to her ear, "I'm going to figure this out, Rose. I swear to Gallifrey, I swear to the dead Time Lords, I swear to the universe-" he paused to pull back and look her in the eye, "and I swear to you, that nothing will stop me. We will save this world, and then we're finding a way to save your world with your mum and Pete. Cross my hearts and hope to die." He gestured an 'X' over each of his hearts.

Rose nodded. "Thank you, Doctor." She kissed him quickly on the cheek. "I love you."

He smiled softly and held her hand once again. "I love you too." He squeezed the hand.

"Rose! Doctor!" They heard someone shout, a voice they recognized immediately.

"Mickey!" Rose stood and walked toward him swiftly, arms outspread.

Mickey hugged her hard and picked her up. "Oh, I've missed you!" He said as he put her down.

"Missed you too," Rose said back. He turned to shake the now standing Doctor's hand. "'Ello again, Doctor!" He said, putting his hand out to him. The Doctor only looked at it, and decided, to Mickey's surprise, to greet him with a hug instead.

"'Ello, Mickey!" The Doctor said as he hugged Mickey, patting him on the back hard. Both of them pulling away, he said, "How've you been? I see you got married to one of my previous companions! Congrats." He nodded at him.

"I'm good, and thanks," Mickey said, looking down sheepishly for a second, then looking up to say, "Seems like you two tied the knot as well." He gestured to Rose and the Doctor's now held (as always) hands. They hadn't even noticed.

"What?" The Doctor and Rose exclaimed in unison. Then they each looked down at their hands. "Oh!" They said simultaneously again and laughed.

"No, we're not married, Mick," Rose blushed.

"Not yet, anyway," the Doctor quietly added. He smiled mischievously at Rose, whose eyes were now wide with surprise. The two of them hadn't even had time to think about marriage yet, but they were sure pondering on it now.

"Really? I would've thought..." Mickey trailed off, then changed the subject from the two lovers. "Well, anyway, glad you're here. Has Martha told you about..." In answer, the Doctor nodded, pressing his lips together in a flat, anxious expression, and Rose nodded with a concerned face. Mickey could tell what Rose was thinking, with him suddenly being in this universe and all, so he figured he needed to talk to her.

"Alright. Rose, I can tell you have some questions that need answering." Mickey said seriously, and Rose nodded again. "And Doctor, you have some world-saving to help with!" He joked. "So why don't you go talk to Martha again, and Rose, you and I will catch up. See ya, boss," Mickey turned to go to the door.

The Doctor wrapped Rose in a light hug. "I'll see you later. Okay?" He said in a sweet, caring tone.

Rose burrowed her face into his chest and breathed his scent in deeply, relaxing herself. "Okay. Love you." She started to pull away.

The Doctor caught her right before she could pull away completely by givin her a quick kiss on her forehead. "Love you," he said as he pulled away from her, walking towards Martha and Mr. Torchwood. She followed Mickey out the door and they began their talk.

Okay, a couple things:
First, sorry that it wasn't my best chapter, I just wanted to hurry up and update for you! :) at least there was some fluff and reuniting in there.
Second, as you can see, I am now kind of going along with the Stolen Earth/ Journey's End storyline. But remember, since it is my story and Rose is back for good in my story, some things from the plot if the actual show will be changed. So don't kill me if it's not exact. Thanks.

Hope you enjoyed it! Thank you to everyone for reading, commenting, and voting! Love ya!

The Storm and the Wolf • Doctor Who Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin