The Wager

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I pulled off my helmet and detached my chute from my back gasping heavy from the impact as Eggsy laid below me.

"Eggsy? Are you okay?" I asked helping him remove his helmet to see his sandy brown hair covering his forehead which was beating with sweat.

"That sucked." Eggsy muttered with a gasp before the others appeared I pressed my lips to his forehead.

"Thank you..." I whispered seeing him smile just as Roxy and Charlie arrives but I didn't see the other two just as Merlin appears. I broke away from him standing up and holding out my hand for him to take and he does so I helped him to his feet. As he did both Hugo Rufus and Digby arrive from the woods completely off course and stands next to us.

"Hugo, Digby. You don't land in the K, you're not in the K. Rufus, you opened too soon. You were all over the radar. All three of you pack your bags, go home." Merlin started earning an angry huff from each of the boys as they shuffled in the suits to the building leaving Roxy, Charlie, Eggsy and I behind. "Congratulations Gwen, both set a new record. Opening at three hundred feet, that's pretty ballsy. Well done for completing another task. Fall out!" Charlie and Roxy headed to the entrance as I was about to follow when Eggsy scoffs at Merlin stopping me.

"Sorry sir but why the fuck did you choose me as the gimp? Am I the expendable candidate?" Eggsy yelled I cringed to the sound of his screams which Merlin's eyes showed he wasn't having any of it.

"No, no, no. You don't talk to me like that. You have a complaint, you come here and you whisper it in my ear." Merlin pointed out which Eggsy moved towards him just like he asked as I cross my arms against my chest. He then leans towards Eggsy waiting to hear what he had to say. "You need to take that chip off your shoulder." Before Eggsy could respond I saw Merlin pull his chute and Eggsy is thrown backwards to the floor near me. Merlin doesn't say a word as I felt a laugh escape from my lips earning a scowl from Eggsy.

"Guess you didn't need to hang onto me after all...not that I minded." I smiled winking at him before following Merlin back into the building. We entered the sleeping corridors as Merlin pulled me to the side so no one could hear.

"You should know...your grandfather is supervising the next test." he reminded as I sighed sharply placing my hands on my hips.

"Then let him find out...I am tired of sneaking around with him. He has to learn that I can be an agent and he can't stop me." I exclaimed seeing Merlin be surprised by this then it was replaced with a big smile.

"Well it is about time...get out of the suit and prepare yourself for the next test." Merlin smiled walking away as I entered the room pulling off the suit dropping it onto my bed. Eggsy still seemed a bit flustered from what happened today with the parachutes as I moved up next to him.   

"Hey...chill out. I bet Merlin did that to all the other recruits before us." I pointed out seeing him nod when I saw Merlin enter the room now with an envelope in his hands to replace the tablet. Everyone quickly moved to the center of the room and stood at attention when he stopped in front of us.

"At ease. So you four thought we were done for the day, huh? Well, you're not." Merlin began handing us each an envelope before moving back to the front.

"A party?" Roxy asked looking at the contents of the envelope in her hands while the others did the same.

"Tonight, in London." Merlin added I saw him lift a blown up photo of a young woman with blonde hair to show us. In the envelopes we had also had a smaller version of the photo. "This is your target. Your mission is to use your NLP training to win over the individual in the photograph in your envelope. And when I say "Win over" I do mean in the biblical sense." A sly smile formed on my lips then disappeared a second later so no one could see it.

"Posh girls love a bit of rough." Eggsy replied I felt myself flinch by his comment not wanting to even ask what he meant about that.

"We'll see about that, yeah?" Charlie snickered next to Eggsy while Roxy who was next to me looking over at both boys now.

"We certainly about a personal wager? Girls versus boys...the first one to complete the mission can rub it in the other two faces. You boys gamed?" Roxy asked I saw Charlie nodded accepting the wager and Eggsy gave a sly smile. Roxy bumped her hip to mine with a smile on her face. "We got this me."

~~ What do you have planned Roxy? And oh boy Gwen's grandfather is involved with the next test, what will happen? Will he find out? ~~

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