11//we're gonna make it (end)

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     "What?" Mike frowned at his words, feeling his mood fall. What the fuck was going on? Was what James saying true? Did Troy actually not like him? Troy looked at mike with begging eyes, "please, let me explain later." Mike was infuriated. He got up from the booth. "Fuck all of you. All of you! You're all sick bastards!" Mike flipped them all off before storming out of the restaurant, hot tears flowing down his cheeks as he cried. He sobbed, and sobbed, but couldn't help but feel lonely. He wanted things to go back to how they were. He liked Troy, a lot. He missed Troy. But he couldn't go back; not now, not ever. Not ever what he heard.
Mike kept walking, and walking, and walking. He stepped onto his porch and reached for the doorknob until he felt a hand on his shoulders. He turned to see a red-faced, breathless Troy. Had he been crying too? Did he really come all this way to chase after mike? Was he really sorry?
"Mike," Troy sighed, "they weren't lying to you. I don't want to lie either so I came here to tell the truth." Mike felt hurt by those words, knowing that James wasn't lying and it all was a joke, but he trusted Troy has some reasoning...so he'd decide if he was worth forgiving.
"James— when we got assigned partners, James said that I should try and get with you. After we did, I actually started to feel things. I actually liked you for you, mike. I...I loved you. I was supposed to ditch you after we got close but I couldn't do it. I couldn't do that to someone who I loved." Mike had tears in his eyes. There was that word again, love. Did he mean it? "Mike, I'm so sorry about all of this. You don't have to forgive me..I know I was a douche but I'm never hanging out with James again, please. Please believe me." Mike sighed and hugged Troy tightly. They held each other for what felt like hours but was really only twenty seconds, Mike counted, before they pulled away. "I forgive you. Come inside, though. It's kinda chilly."
The two walked inside and mikes mother was hesitant at first, but soon warmed up to Troy and was surprised by his manners. Karen made the two hot chocolate and sent them up to mikes room, where they sat on mikes bed.
They watched some movies and eventually laid down to sleep. It felt warm, and safe. Troy had his arms wrapped around mike and held him close. Mike smiled. "Troy?" He whispered, "I love you too." They shared a soft kiss, Troy smiling against mikes lips. It lasted for ages, before the two boys had to pull away for air. "We're gonna make it, Mike. I know we will."

I'm sorry this chapter is so rushed!!! I needed to find a way to end this book so I can finish Cigarette Stained as well! These are all going to be shorter books but I have some ideas for one I'm making in the future that's going to be a lot longer, sorry for the small books though.


Bully// Mike Wheeler X Troy Harrington✔️Where stories live. Discover now