5// do you like me?

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Mike and Troy had fallen asleep in mike's bed. Troy insisted he'd slept on the floor, and mike tried to make him sleep with him on the bed but he wouldn't.
They woke up. Troy had an unbearable ache in his neck which mike huffed and lectured him for sleeping on the floor.
"Well I said you could sleep with me but you wouldn't!" Mike huffed, "Yeah Yeah, I didn't wanna be weird! I hog blankets! You'd never let me sleep with you again!" Mike rolled his eyes, "I could've gotten you a separate blanket!" They eventually gave up on arguing, shoving each other playfully.
It was a Saturday so they didn't have school. They were glad about this; they wanted to avoid socializing at all costs.
They had the weekend to finish their project, but they decided to put t off since they were nearly done anyways.
     Was it weird that they...enjoyed spending time together? No, of course not, he's a friend, but if he was just a friend then what was the feeling in mike's gut every time he saw Troy? He'd caught himself staring at his lips every now and then, playful fights and teasing. He loved his Troy would get all flustered when mike winked or joked, and how his hair was curled slightly at the tips. Or the faint freckles that lined Troy's cheeks that you could only see in the sunlight, and his clothes—
Shit. Mike had a crush on Troy Harrington.
     Troy noticed mike staring and raised an eyebrow, a smirk quickly forming on his face. "Mike," he said quietly, "is there something on my face or what?" He grinned. Mike choked on his own spit, coughing and looking away, "n-no, shit, sorry, why am I stuttering? I'm sorry I-I don't know what's going on—" Troy quickly held up a finger and pressed it against mike's lips to shush him. "Hey, it's fine. Don't worry about it." Mike nodded solemnly, watching as Troy removed his finger. Mike wanted to kiss his perfectly chapped lips, not his stupid finger. Mike fell silent again, staring down at his hands.
     Troy went back to playing with mike's hair,  attempting to braid a small strand. "Troy,"
     Mike looked up at him with these eyes that screamed give me attention you adorable bastard I'm a lovesick weirdo who needs your affection, but the message obviously didn't come to Troy that easily. "How do you know if you like someone?"
     Troy thought for a moment, "well," he bit his bottom lip in thought. Mike thought this Habit was cute. "You get this feeling in your gut when you see them. They make you really happy and you want to be with them for like- ever... when you look at them it's like they never had any flaws. Like they're perfect. Why do you ask?"
     "I don't know..there's just this person. I can't tell if I like them or not but they keep giving off mixed signals so I can't tell if they like me too or not.."
     Troy didn't know why he felt weird. Jealous almost. "Oh. How do they act around you?"
     "Well...at first I didn't really like them that much. But when I really got to know them they seemed a lot nicer and we talked. Now I think they're a really nice guy but I don't really know if how I feel about him is love or not." Mike explained, then realizing what he'd done.
Guy. Him.
     He stared up at Troy's shocked expression, "him?" He asked. Mike decided to own up to his mistake in fear of lying and making matters worse. "Yeah...him."
     It took Troy a while before he processed what mike had told him. The description kinda fit their friendship. He then built up the courage to say something he'd never thought he would have to say. Especially to mike.
     "Mike, do you like me?"

Y'all are gonna have to get used to short ass chapters because I don't have time to update a lot ahahahajdkdkdkdks


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