9//turtlenecks and ripped jeans

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     It's been a few weeks since mike and Troy began dating.
     They decided they needed to act like they still hated each other's guts, and that they could care less about each other. It hurt both of them to shove and yell, but at night they'd cuddle and kiss and whisper sweet things in each other's ears. Mike loved spending time with Troy. Something about him brought a smile onto his face. Maybe it was his voice, or his humor. Troy was kind and sweet— he was perfect. Although he was a dick, mike didn't blame him. He had issues to. Mike just never bothered to understand him.
     On one particular Saturday morning, Troy received a call over his yellow land-line hanging in his kitchen. He brought the bulky, inconvenient phone to his ear and played with the wire. "Hey, Troy!" Mike smiled as he spoke, and Troy could tell. "Hellooo. What's up?"
     Troy pulled a stool over to the phone, sitting and talking.
"They're showing Rocky IV in theaters. Wanna come see it with me?"
"Of course! I love rocky,"
"Me tooo! I'll pick you up..."
"Fifteen minutes?"
"Bye, bub."
"Cya, sweetheart."
With that, mike put the phone away. He scrambled to get dressed so he'd look have decent to Troy. He didn't have very many nice outfits per say, most of his closet occupied by ugly collared sweaters, turtlenecks, and cheesy Star Wars shirts. He chose a light grey turtleneck, slipping it on and changing into a pair of jeans.
       Mike walked into the restroom to fix his hair, which had begin to curl now, and wash his face. Mikes facial features had matured greatly, which made him pull off the turtleneck like a boss, as always. His newly defined jawline and cheekbones made him look older, and he's grown to 6'1, half an inch shorter than Troy.
     Troy had grabbed a black sweater and a pair of ripped jeans, slipping them on. He ran his hand through his hair, admiring himself. Troy didn't find himself extremely attractive, but he knew he looked good. His jawline and cheekbones had defined just like mike, and he looked older than he was.
     Troy picked up his wallet off of the nightstand, and walked downstairs. He waited on the couch for mike to show up.
     Mike soon pulled up in the Harrington household, allowing Troy to sit inside the car. The car was his sisters, who he paid thirty-five dollars just to drive.
This'll be fun, mike thought, I have no idea what the fuck I'm doing, Troy thought.

Bully// Mike Wheeler X Troy Harrington✔️Where stories live. Discover now