10// rocky

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Watchthemoviewatchthemoviewatchthoviewatchthemovie— okayicantwatchthemovie. Mike was staring at Troy for nearly half the movie now. He couldn't keep his eyes off. Troy noticed, but decided against saying anything. He couldn't avoid the small smirk, though.
     Mike held troys hand in his own and smiled widely. He looked like a dork. Then again, everyone who wears a turtleneck, watches rocky IV, and listens to Michael Jackson looked like a dork. No offense, though. Troy loved dorks, especially his dork.
     After the movie ended, they both agreed to fill up their slushies and head to eat. They'd been on a date to get coffee once, but that was just because they'd both woken up a bit too early one morning and they figured it'd be fun.
     They decided on a steak and shake, walking inside. The smell of burgers and fries wafted into their nostrils as mike let out a content sigh. It smelt nice. Troy headed up to the counter where he received a menu and instructions to pick a seat. They sat in a booth beside the window and flipped through the menu for no reason other than the fact neither of them knew what to say.
     "So, what do you normally get?" Mike hummed, looking up at troys focused expression. "I don't normally eat at fast food restaurants," Troy responded hesitantly, "never been here." Mikes jaw dropped open in disbelief, "oh my god! Their burgers here are really good, and their fries, not even to mention their milkshakes!" Troy smiled at Michael's enthusiasm. He nodded to what mike was saying, even though he honestly wasn't even listening, as he was focused on his lips as mike spoke, and his hands as they punctuated every sentence.
     They ordered, Troy just getting whatever mike got, which was a burger with cheese, pickle, lettuce, tomato, and ketchup with a side of fries, with one big milkshake with two straws to split between the two of them. They didn't care if people stared at them, they were content, and that's what mattered. That was was mattered, anyway, until James bursted through the door of the shop with a few new 'gang members.' They were new to Indiana, moving all the way from Maine. They went by the names of Patrick and victor, Troy remembers them being introduced at the front of his English class. They were cousins, so they moved up to Hawkins together. He assumed they were just as horrible as James and Troy, possibly worse, as to see they clicked with James quickly. These boys were tall. Like, really tall.
     Mike was intimidated at first. The boys scowled at them, especially James who had a look of disappointment and disgust. It didn't take long before they marched up to the table. "Troy?" He spat.
     Troy winced at the harsh way he spoke to him. "You fucking faggot!" James yelled, laughing in troys face. "So like, did you two just get back from fucking? Is that why you're here, to regain you're energy? Hell, I bet you let mike ride your dick, then fucked him afterwards, that is how it works, right? Or did you just suck each other off?" Patrick soon joined in on the laughter, and so did victor. The entire steak and shake was staring, including two girls who mike shares third period with. "Shut up, James." Mike said nervously, the sound of a hand smashing against the table and silverware clanking together filled the silence of the restaurant.
     "So, you got feelings, huh? Your not gonna tell him this was all a sick joke at first? How you never were gonna like him, just wanted to mess with his feelings? Wanna tell him about that? Or are you just gonna keep pretending you actually like this fag."

Bully// Mike Wheeler X Troy Harrington✔️Where stories live. Discover now